Hey guys.
Would like to introduce myself a little, and give a little information about how I think I ended up where I am today. Back in 2011, I had a TBI. Was in the hospital for 2 weeks, one of those being critical care. I fell and hit (I think) the back of the right side of my head. Knocked out cold. Went to ER the next day, they rushed me to a bigger hospital. I had two brain bleeds, one I remember was a surface brain bleed, and the other, was below the surface, whatever that is called. Sub-dural?
Ever since, I have had issues with depression, anxiety, cognitive difficulties, difficulty maintaining erection, loss of sexual interest, general confusion, insomnia, personality changes. Just, really nasty symptoms. Of course, to treat these symptoms, I turned to booze. When I couldn’t drink, I took Clonozepam. So needless to say, I just thought the symptoms I was having was attributed to the alcohol and prescription drug use, although I took my prescriptions as prescribed, the Clonozepam script was 3MG/day, which is pretty hefty. Took that for 9 years.
So, I got my shit together last year and quit everything. I was just tired of feeling like shit all the time, and felt like this would help. It did, somewhat. I’m much happier than I was. I have no desire to go back. I’m still tapering off the Clonozepam. I don’t want to have a seizure. I’m at 0.2MG/day, down from 3. Around this time, I got on a great insurance plan, and I started looking into a possible correlation of my symptoms with my TBI. The more I read, the more I suspected there was something going on with my testosterone.
I went to an actual TBI clinic, and was told that the injury happened so long ago, that the cells would have already regenerated and I would have healed. I can’t believe that! I walked out right then and there. This was a Brody School of Medicine doc as well, flanked by three students. Then, I saw a neurologist who wanted to refer me to an endocrinologist. That endocrinologist required supporting blood-work, so the neurologist had my A1C tested! For diabetes. Not an issue I’m having. That happened twice(!) Needless to say, both times my referral was declined because it came back normal. The neurologist did order a MRI, which came back normal.
So, I understood pretty quick that this was something I was going to have to learn about on my own. I was able to find a PCP that wouldn’t push back on the tests I asked for, although he expressed repeatedly he doesn’t know why I would need E2, fT3, LH, etc. Pretty run of the mill from what I have read.
So, this new doctor looked at a TT and FT test a previous PCP had dismissed as normal (311 TT, 67FT, (250-1100 ng/dL and 35.0-155.0 pg/mL respectfully) and said, essentially, here’s some Testosterone. Inject 400mg/2mL once a month. That’s how I ended up here. I took the injection, and despite learning afterwards that this protocol is horrible, I am wondering if I should not try to lift weights and get back naturally instead.
I work from home for a large tech company, so I sit in my office all day on the phone. Have done this for years. I don’t get out much. What if I just start going to the gym, modifying my diet, and perhaps take a few supplements? Should I try that first? I’m only 33 years old, and don’t want to be a slave to the T the rest of my life if it can be avoided. But on the other hand, I am desperately craving relief.
So, I don’t know what to do right now. If I decide to lift weights solely, how long until the 400mg Test Cyp is out of my system? What are your thoughts on me going this route? Futile?
I am really optimistic I can get a lot further reading on my own and with a little help from you guys. I appreciate in advance any advice/thoughts you may have.
Attached are all of the labs I have had done so far, with the exception of the FT and TT. That is listed in a paragraph above.
The ranges for the following are Lab Corp ranges.
I have several more labs that I guess aren’t finished yet. I will post them when I get them.