At some point adjustments need to be made. I wanted to know how long i can expect to use starting straight as printed in the book for strength accumulation though linear progression?
Most people tend to stall when they hit 1.5x bw x5 x3 for squats and 1x bw x5x3 for bench after about 3-6 months of training. Then you can move on to weekly progression like Texas method, Westside for Skinny bastards, or Madcow from there.
1x body weight = body weight are you sure you didn’t mean 2 x body weight?
I should hit 1.5 x body weight at the two month mark i believe. If adding 5 pounds per work out and approx the same to meet my body weight in bench
If you can get to a 2x bodyweight squat for 5 on a linear progression, go for it. But that seems like it would be quite difficult. The response was just about where most people start to stall.
For me, a linear progression was good until I started to miss reps. You can reset a couple times if you want, but at a certain point other programs start to be better.
[quote]ScreenWatcha wrote:
1x body weight = body weight are you sure you didn’t mean 2 x body weight?
I should hit 1.5 x body weight at the two month mark i believe. If adding 5 pounds per work out and approx the same to meet my body weight in bench[/quote]
1x bw bench means benching 185lbs x5x3 if you weight 185, and 1.5bw squat means 275lbs on your back for 5x3. I see people generally stall around there, but if you can get further go for it. If you stall before then, see if you can fix your form first.
3-9 months for a rank novice. if you have some training history but have never done a linear progression then it will be less. I have lifted for years but fucked around a lot and then got my shit together, then i detrained while I got really good at WoW, then I got stronger then I moved and detrained again. I am at about 2 months in right now and it looks like it will end up with me having my third and final stall somewhere around month 3.
This thread gave me a lot to work with thank you all. body weight on bench makes me feel a lot less week. 1.5 on squat is something I’m approaching and recently struggled with the stress of lifting so if LP comes to an end soon my mental game will get a break.
[quote]ScreenWatcha wrote:
This thread gave me a lot to work with thank you all. body weight on bench makes me feel a lot less week. 1.5 on squat is something I’m approaching and recently struggled with the stress of lifting so if LP comes to an end soon my mental game will get a break. [/quote]
I went from 175 to 205lbs BW on SS and my squat went from about 180 to 325x5x3. It was semi-consistent for probably a year and a half with some setbacks from low back pain. I understand what you mean about the mental stress of it, but once you move to something that progresses slower you’ll miss adding weight every workout. I wouldn’t aim for a specific number, just keep going until you can’t any more. A guy on another forum claimed to use SS all the way into 400+ squats, so who’s to say you can’t?