Starting Strength Journey

[quote]Rednose wrote:

[quote]Paradise Lost wrote:

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:

[quote]1 Man Island wrote:
Unless that’s some variation I haven’t heard of, it’s wrong: SS doesn’t use ramping, except for warm-ups.

It happens. I was using a spreadsheet that had OHP as 5 x 3 instead of 3 x 5 (which actually worked better, imo).[/quote]

yeah sorry i assumed assumed reps for starting strength all sets are 3x5 except for full clean and press which is 5 sets of 3. (excluding warmup) The weight listed is just my working weight for each workout 2 weeks worth at least. Sorry for the confusion.[/quote]

There is no clean and press in the novice program or as it is known SS.

For the first few weeks the program consists of: ABABABABA etc

Workout A
3X5 Squat
3X5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3x5 Squat
3X5 Bench
1x5 Deadlift

Then the next 2-3 weeks consist of ABABABABABA etc.

Workout A
3X5 Squat
3x5 Press
1x5 Deadlift

Workout B
3X5 Squat
3x5 Bench
5x3 power clean

Then for the remaining 6-9 months ABABABABA etc

Workout A
3X5 Squat
3x5 Press
Deadlift 1x5 OR Power clean 5x3

Workout B
3X5 Squat
3X5 Bench
Back extensions 3x12 OR Chinups 3x12

I would advise anyone intending on doing SS to buy the book.


Looks like OP is using the original SS novice program.

What I just listed is the ONLY and original starting strength. It is the only program laid out in the book. That wiki sucks because it lists the third part of the program as the original which makes people think its the program as written. It is the third part of the original program progression.

You do part 1 to get the numbers up and practice the form, the deadlift and squat going up by 10lbs a workout and the upper body lifts going up by 10-5lbs a workout.

The second phase introduces power cleans and keeps the deadlift for the other sessions.

The third phase then has you add in more volume such as upper back work in the form of chinups and hyper extensions for the lower back.

Once you run it for 6-9 months then you can jump onto an intermediate program like practical programming or the texas method. If you want just GPP maybe consider bill stars the strongest shall survive.

The nuances of the different versions don’t really matter as long as you’re consistent. You don’t need to deadlift every workout for very long.

I ran the wichita falls version, which only had me DLing one Wednesday. Eventually, I alternated DL w/ power cleans, so I was only DLing twice a month. As I progressed, I also began front squatting on Wednesday to recover from the squats. Though, the main reason I ran this version was because it let me focus on chins and pull ups… but like I said, just lift. You can cut back the DL if you feel the need.

[quote]1 Man Island wrote:
The nuances of the different versions don’t really matter as long as you’re consistent. You don’t need to deadlift every workout for very long.

I ran the wichita falls version, which only had me DLing one Wednesday. Eventually, I alternated DL w/ power cleans, so I was only DLing twice a month. As I progressed, I also began front squatting on Wednesday to recover from the squats. Though, the main reason I ran this version was because it let me focus on chins and pull ups… but like I said, just lift. You can cut back the DL if you feel the need.[/quote]

Yeah, the final stage of the Starting Strength/Practical Programming actual program has you switching to either light squats or front squats on Wednesday. It also has you alternating the deadlift and power clean only every other session and alternating pull-ups/chin-ups and back extensions on the sessions in between. I don’t particularly like this as well but that’s the “real” program.

Squat 3x5 245
Bench 3x5 185
Deadlift 1x5 265

Every lift was hard left me light headed no grinders but bar speed slow. Deadlift weak link is my grip would I be a pussy if I used straps? Or should I just keep going as far as my grip will take me? Next week 285 I’m not sure my grip is manly enough.
Ryan C

Get chalk.

And straps too.

Use both.

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
Squat 3x5 245
Bench 3x5 185
Deadlift 1x5 265

Every lift was hard left me light headed no grinders but bar speed slow. Deadlift weak link is my grip would I be a pussy if I used straps? Or should I just keep going as far as my grip will take me? Next week 285 I’m not sure my grip is manly enough.
Ryan C[/quote]

If the bar speed was excessively slow, why are you going up 20 lbs, why not 10?

Also, chalk helps the grip substantially, and there isn’t a thing wrong with using straps. I use straps a lot, because I don’t understand the point of limiting a lot of other bigger muscles because of my grip.

My understanding from reading the book was to go up at 10 on squat till you miss reps then reset and start going up 5 lbs. deadlift same principle I thought maybe I’m wrong. I haven’t missed any reps yet but I’m approaching it I think.

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
My understanding from reading the book was to go up at 10 on squat till you miss reps then reset and start going up 5 lbs. deadlift same principle I thought maybe I’m wrong. I haven’t missed any reps yet but I’m approaching it I think.[/quote]

No, go up equal amounts till the bar speed begins to slow, then reduce the incremental increases. I cant remember about SS but I know in Practical Programming, Rip estimates that most trainees will only be able to maintain 20 lb jumps for a couple weeks or so. The idea is to never miss a rep while still adding weight. So if you don’t think you can get 10 or 20, only add 5-10.

Last workout hit 255 3x5 I was wiped out but bar went up good. I tried overhead press went up 5 lbs failed hit reps on power cleans. Anyone else feel like the squats take a lot of your energy possiblely hindering progress on other lifts? I’m probably just weak ha ha

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
Last workout hit 255 3x5 I was wiped out but bar went up good. I tried overhead press went up 5 lbs failed hit reps on power cleans. Anyone else feel like the squats take a lot of your energy possiblely hindering progress on other lifts? I’m probably just weak ha ha[/quote]

Some days I do, some days I don’t. I usually blame some of the other factors that I don’t have dialed in as well as I should like sleep or diet though.

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
Last workout hit 255 3x5 I was wiped out but bar went up good. I tried overhead press went up 5 lbs failed hit reps on power cleans. Anyone else feel like the squats take a lot of your energy possiblely hindering progress on other lifts? I’m probably just weak ha ha[/quote]

I don’t do Starting Strength, but I am working a very similar program. Yes, squats can take a lot out of you, generally speaking. I squat and bench on the same day. Bench is my weakest lift of the big 3, and the fact that I have been benching after squats since I began lifting is probably a factor there.

There have been times where I have considered doing bench before squat, and then I recall that the squat is a better lift to focus on for my particular goals.

[quote]twojarslave wrote:

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
Last workout hit 255 3x5 I was wiped out but bar went up good. I tried overhead press went up 5 lbs failed hit reps on power cleans. Anyone else feel like the squats take a lot of your energy possiblely hindering progress on other lifts? I’m probably just weak ha ha[/quote]

I don’t do Starting Strength, but I am working a very similar program. Yes, squats can take a lot out of you, generally speaking. I squat and bench on the same day. Bench is my weakest lift of the big 3, and the fact that I have been benching after squats since I began lifting is probably a factor there.

There have been times where I have considered doing bench before squat, and then I recall that the squat is a better lift to focus on for my particular goals.

Though I am no longer using abbreviated training, I actually prefer having squats as my last lift because I feel like I can really give that lift all of my effort this way. I don’t have to worry about conserving any energy for other movements or having to recover, I can just give it every last bit of energy I have saved up, collapse on the floor, and then go home.

I picked this up from DoggCrapp, and know that Meadows preaches a similar philosophy. I like having my biggest/heaviest lifts at the end of workouts now. It also tends to be a little “safer”, in that you’ll be forced to use lower poundages.

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:

[quote]twojarslave wrote:

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
Last workout hit 255 3x5 I was wiped out but bar went up good. I tried overhead press went up 5 lbs failed hit reps on power cleans. Anyone else feel like the squats take a lot of your energy possiblely hindering progress on other lifts? I’m probably just weak ha ha[/quote]

I don’t do Starting Strength, but I am working a very similar program. Yes, squats can take a lot out of you, generally speaking. I squat and bench on the same day. Bench is my weakest lift of the big 3, and the fact that I have been benching after squats since I began lifting is probably a factor there.

There have been times where I have considered doing bench before squat, and then I recall that the squat is a better lift to focus on for my particular goals.

Though I am no longer using abbreviated training, I actually prefer having squats as my last lift because I feel like I can really give that lift all of my effort this way. I don’t have to worry about conserving any energy for other movements or having to recover, I can just give it every last bit of energy I have saved up, collapse on the floor, and then go home.

I picked this up from DoggCrapp, and know that Meadows preaches a similar philosophy. I like having my biggest/heaviest lifts at the end of workouts now. It also tends to be a little “safer”, in that you’ll be forced to use lower poundages.

The Greyskull LP has squats (or deads on Wed) as the last exercise of the day as well. My upper body lifts just don’t really seem to suffer that much from a squat session, even when it fries me. Front Squats will knock military presses down a little but that is about it.

Yeah that’s true about other factors sleep and nutrition. My squat is something I really want to improve so I guess I’m okay with it getting most of my energy. I assume overhead press is a slower progressing lift 110 doesn’t seem like much couldn’t even get 3 reps of the first set. Last workout 105 was tough last set but 5 lbs increase only and I failed on first set.

I can say going heavy on bench doesn’t drain me like squats I feel like my legs won’t fail before I’ll pass out first ha ha.

Today was a disaster warm up to 265 was very hard. I got one rep the weight felt like a house on my back. I feel all beat up. I lasted 3 weeks before failing. The second reset I’m uncertain if I should scale this time with 5 lb or 10 lb this time.

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
Today was a disaster warm up to 265 was very hard. I got one rep the weight felt like a house on my back. I feel all beat up. I lasted 3 weeks before failing. The second reset I’m uncertain if I should scale this time with 5 lb or 10 lb this time.[/quote]

265 was supposed to be your work sets, and you were only able to hit 1 on the first set?? Is this the first time you have missed a weight?

I got all reps at 255 3x5 it was very hard hard but I got all the reps. This is the first sets I have missed on squat or should I say disaster. At 265 I got 1 and a 1/2 reps then couldn’t get the weight up. Not sure where to go exactly maybe back to 245 and scale at 10 lbs? I’m eating but not 5000 calories maybe I need to eat more. Sleep is okay I average 7-8 hrs a night. Job is stressful though. Maybe it was just a bad day. Thanks for any advice.

[quote]Ryancoburn wrote:
I got all reps at 255 3x5 it was very hard hard but I got all the reps. This is the first sets I have missed on squat or should I say disaster. At 265 I got 1 and a 1/2 reps then couldn’t get the weight up. Not sure where to go exactly maybe back to 245 and scale at 10 lbs? I’m eating but not 5000 calories maybe I need to eat more. Sleep is okay I average 7-8 hrs a night. Job is stressful though. Maybe it was just a bad day. Thanks for any advice. [/quote]

You are going up to fast. Slow your increases to 5 lbs max. Depending on how fried you are a reset may not work but that’s what I would try first. Knock 10% off, I would say take if off of 260 because that’s where you should have been, that puts you at 235, and work your way back up. Normally, I make 10 lb jumps until I get within 10 lbs of the weight I reset from then slow down to 5, giving you about a week to get back to where you were. For clarity:

Next workout: 235x5x3
Followed by: 245x5x3; 250x5x3; 255x5x3; 260x5x3 and so on by 5 lbs. Try that and see how much you gain before you stall again.

Going up that fast seems like it would get you to your goals faster but actually it has a tendency to run you into a brick wall and cause you to plateau and slow way down. This is more of a slow and steady wins the race type thing.

Thanks I’ll try that.