Hello, I posted here about a year ago asking for advice on lifting etc, but due to relation issues with my son and ex I never got into it really.
Now that ive got my life in order, Im ready to give it a serious try, I’ve lifted on and off for a couple years, never watching what I ate really or counting calories, i registered at fitday and as of today have started logging my intake.
I lifted last week mainly just trying to see where I stood in terms of strength to my former self, I’ve been starting a ‘bulk’ cycle the last few days, but I have also read you shouldnt be over 10% bodyfat if your going to bulk, I would imagine im a bit higher than that So I will post some pics for advice.
Im 5'7 157 right now and I eat pretty clean,if I bulk I think ill first start at 4k calories a day and maybe try for a 40/40/20 carb/prot/fat split? Im also going to be going split routine upper body/lower 3 days a week, and probablly lay off the cardio altogether until I see how this works out. Any advice, or criticism appreciated much. thank you.