Started TRT 4 Months Ago. Do I Still Have Sperm to Bank?

My asshold doctor didn’t warn me of the fertility effects from test shots. I’m not sure I want to start HCG but at 4 months in would I still have viable sperm to freeze? Thanks!

I imagine this would vary from person to person. Have you noticed much in the way of testicular atrophy?

Why not go on hcg? You wouldn’t have to worry about freezing sperm that way and when you and the Mrs want kids you can do it the fun, old fashioned way.

Sorry, but did you really consent to messing with your hormones without reading up?

As for your question, @hutch2106.

I guess there is only a 15% chance of having a kid so I didn’t want to have to do another injection every week for such a low chance.

You’re being pretty vague dude. Why only 15% chance? Also, if fertility is a concern then why not do everything you can to remain fertile? I.e, hcg.

You need to go for 250iu hCG subq EOD. Stop attitude of resistance. If you want to sperm bank, get on 12.5mg Clomid ED for 6 weeks prior. If that makes you feel crappy, switch to 10mg Nolvadex - which you can start on if your doc is not total fixated on Clomid. Do not let a doctor talk you into 50mg Clomid per day!

Do not take hCG+Clomid, one at a time.

We have had a good number of babies here fueled by T+hCG.

For whats its worth I had a sperm count of zero fourth months into my Test. Cypionate only TRT protocol.

I looked up some studies and if I recall correctly the average time it takes for oligospermia or azoospermia to occur is 4 months into TRT using only an exogenous form of testosterone.