Ok, so I started my first cycle today, and decided to go for a safe start to measure my response to roids, then take it even further for the next cycle if this one becomes successful.
My gear = 3 vials of RQ Test E 10ml/250mg, 84 tabs of dbol(might buy more into the cycle if I love the so called dbol pumps or so ;p), 11 pills of Ari and 30 nolvas. Might buy some hcg later on, but seems its not really needed at this cycle I am doing from what seems to the general opinion.
So this being day 1, I sort of got my gear after I trained, so I dont bother to post info about my traning routine for today.
It was quite exciting tbh filling up that syringe and pushing it into my glutes At first I believed it might hurt some, but to my delight I had no pain, just a slight itch for a little bit after. I actually enjoyed injecting myself, and feeling that I emptied that sucker into my glute. Was only 1ml though, cuz of the concentration of my product. I aim to inject 250mg test E e3d.
For the rest of today I have eaten 3 pills of 10mg dbol. I dont know if its my imagination or what not, but I got the feeling that my hands, lower back and feet got quite warm some hours after each pill was popped. Is this normal, or u reckon its my imagination? ;p At least I like that feeling.
I think I will wait a little with the first arimidex dose, to see how I bloat for a week or so ;p
Besides that I am 22 years old, 102kg, and 194cm’s tall. A little tired now, so cba to translate these to American units now, I do live in Europe at the time being.
The plan is to run:
30mg dbol ed wk1-4(Might throw in more if I love the pumps and I feel ok)
Test E e3d wk1-10/11 depending on when I am out of test in the last vial ;p
Ari 0.25mg e2d starting from wk2 to end
Nolva 20mg daily for 4 weeks
Any feedback is appreciated. I will keep posting to notify you of any gains if it’s any interest ^^ I personally liked to read logs prior to starting this cycle to get some sort of idea how this shit works, so I figured some others might enjoy reading this as I finish it.