Started My First Cycle Today

Ok, so I started my first cycle today, and decided to go for a safe start to measure my response to roids, then take it even further for the next cycle if this one becomes successful.

My gear = 3 vials of RQ Test E 10ml/250mg, 84 tabs of dbol(might buy more into the cycle if I love the so called dbol pumps or so ;p), 11 pills of Ari and 30 nolvas. Might buy some hcg later on, but seems its not really needed at this cycle I am doing from what seems to the general opinion.

So this being day 1, I sort of got my gear after I trained, so I dont bother to post info about my traning routine for today.

It was quite exciting tbh filling up that syringe and pushing it into my glutes :stuck_out_tongue: At first I believed it might hurt some, but to my delight I had no pain, just a slight itch for a little bit after. I actually enjoyed injecting myself, and feeling that I emptied that sucker into my glute. Was only 1ml though, cuz of the concentration of my product. I aim to inject 250mg test E e3d.

For the rest of today I have eaten 3 pills of 10mg dbol. I dont know if its my imagination or what not, but I got the feeling that my hands, lower back and feet got quite warm some hours after each pill was popped. Is this normal, or u reckon its my imagination? ;p At least I like that feeling.

I think I will wait a little with the first arimidex dose, to see how I bloat for a week or so ;p

Besides that I am 22 years old, 102kg, and 194cm’s tall. A little tired now, so cba to translate these to American units now, I do live in Europe at the time being.

The plan is to run:
30mg dbol ed wk1-4(Might throw in more if I love the pumps and I feel ok)
Test E e3d wk1-10/11 depending on when I am out of test in the last vial ;p
Ari 0.25mg e2d starting from wk2 to end

Nolva 20mg daily for 4 weeks

Any feedback is appreciated. I will keep posting to notify you of any gains if it’s any interest ^^ I personally liked to read logs prior to starting this cycle to get some sort of idea how this shit works, so I figured some others might enjoy reading this as I finish it.

the thing with arimidex is that it takes a while to get into your system, so if you start getting high E symptoms it would be too late to start the adex.

PCT seems low from what Ive seen (im no vet at this) i think the usual dosage is 40/40/20/20… But IMO i would do the test taper PCT option, it seems backed by more pple and makes much more sense phys speaking… BEST OF LUCK!

Good luck buddy, i’ll be reading with great interest!!!

hmm, u might be right :slight_smile: I’ll prolly get some more nolvas then for pct. Luckily for me it lives like 6 dealers close to me with most of the regular goods, so getting extra stuff I need on the way if I would need more is not a problem ;p

I dont know if I wanna start the ari right from the get go, would be interesting to see how my body reacts to the dbol in terms of bloat first. But ur right, it takes a little while to kick in. Maybe start off with it on like day 3 or so, same time as the second injection. Then it should be kicking in with some of its properties at about the start of week 2 of the cycle.

Anyways, thx for responding to my thread so far guys ;p Appreciate it!

[quote]dicord wrote:
hmm, u might be right :slight_smile: I’ll prolly get some more nolvas then for pct. Luckily for me it lives like 6 dealers close to me with most of the regular goods, so getting extra stuff I need on the way if I would need more is not a problem ;p

I dont know if I wanna start the ari right from the get go, would be interesting to see how my body reacts to the dbol in terms of bloat first. But ur right, it takes a little while to kick in. Maybe start off with it on like day 3 or so, same time as the second injection. Then it should be kicking in with some of its properties at about the start of week 2 of the cycle.

Anyways, thx for responding to my thread so far guys ;p Appreciate it![/quote]

In my experience with test e, the test does not aromatize to a large degree - especially during the first 1-4 weeks of the cycle. On the other hand dbol aromatizes heavily and can cause gyno (sensitive nipples) by week 2 even if you start your adex a few days after commencing your cycle. As a matter of fact that’s exactly what happened to me. I started taking adex at 0.25mg EOD three days into cycle. It takes two weeks for changes in adex doses to take effect and I had to eventually go up to 0.5mg/d to tackle my sensitive nipples issue. It took two weeks of elevated adex to get rid of that symptom. I you have Nolva you could always get a quicker corrective action with that. Just a heads up on the aromatization pressure from dbol. BTW I used 30mg/d dbol.

Day 2

Thx for ur input Dynamo ;p Unfortunately I am at work now, and left my ari at home, so I’ll pop the first ari dose when I get home, that being on day 3.

So far I must say I love dbol for its side effects, or at least the ones I have had so far. About 1-2 hours after popping the day’s first pill I seem to feel really good, and my hands, lower back and feet gets a lot warmer.

Also I get a lot of random boners, and my mood seems to be really good. Dont know if its just me being a horny bastard naturally, or if its the dbol, but I guess the second ;p I mean, so far today has been one of those days when you just feel really awesome, and ur confidence is skyhigh.

As for the test injection site, its slightly sore ;p Not in a really bad sense, just a little tender, but not in a disturbing annoying way, which is cool. The sad thing is that i just wanna inject myself again all the time, but darn it, guess waiting for the next time has to be done ;p

I trained my upper back and biceps today, and it felt like I had a little extra to give than normal, might be placebo, not sure yet if its sposed to kick in nicely so early ;p But sure feels like it.

My training consisted of

Back training:
Seated cable rows 2 sets 12 reps, 70kg, 154 pounds
2 sets, 10 reps 80kg, 176 pounds,
2 sets, 9 reps(failed to do 10), 90kg, 200 pounds
Chins 3 sets, 8 reps
One-Arm Dumbbell Row: 4 sets each arm, 12 reps, 40kg, 90 pounds
Bent Over Barbell Row: 4 sets, 10 reps 100kg, 225 pounds

Bicep training:
Bicep machine both hands 4 sets 30kg, 66 pounds, 15 reps
2 sets 30kg 10 reps, was at failure each set, then dropped weight to 15kg and pushed in another 15 reps for each of these 2 sets
Bicep machine concentration curl 20kg, 45 pounds 3 sets of 8 reps(last set could only do 6)

Skipped cardio today cuz I work tonight. I work night and evening shifts, hehe ;p Which is cool, cuz it gives me about 10 hours of sleep each day, and I can eat a lot at work :smiley:

Got 190grams of tuna with me and a protein shake of 50 grams. Earlier today I ate 6 eggs, 2 chicken thighs, a bottle of orange juice, some corn and a few fruits. Got a couple of fruits with me as well.

All in all today was a good day! Lets hope tomorrow will rock as well, will do legs then.

i love d-bol euphoria too…

Day 3

I decided to train chest and triceps today instead of legs cuz I slept kinda long 2day, and I like to do a longer warmout when I do legs. And I sort of woke up 2 hours before the gym closed ;p So went to the gym after eating a good breakfast.

This workout rocked! I did significantly more weight than last week on dumbell presses, and felt as if I had less wait time between sets.

I cba to post the whole workout because its friday night, and need to go out on the town looking for some walking vaginas ;D

As for negative bi’s, none reported yet, but I guess its a little early for any of that to possibly happen. Also did pop my first ari dose 2day, 0.25mg. Damn little shit pills, hard to cut em in 4, haha ;p

Just wanted to update today to make sure I dont fall off, hehe. Now its time to go out and have fun :slight_smile: No alcohol though, but maybe a little joint or so to get into a groove ^^

Day 4,5 and 6

Its been 6 days since I started now, and I now weight 104kg’s, so 2 kg’s up, thats like 6 pounds or so. In all things I have done so far I have been able to push more weight/and/or higher reps. So far it all feels swell, and I am wondering what it will feel like when I am off the dbols and the test kicks in. Anyone have any good ideas what I should expect at that point? ;p

On day 4 I trained my legs, day 5 I trained my upper back area, biceps and traps, on day 6(2day) I trained my chest and triceps.

The second shot was done on day 4, and the injection itself went painless. Only issue I have is that the soreness in my left asscheek mixed with the soreness of adding more weights to my squat and leg press, makes me walk around like a stiff sailor with a wooden leg when I wake up in the mornings now, haha ;p

So anyways, so far so good!

I experienced a huge letdown after coming off dbol and continuing with test e. I have not yet ascertained the potency of the test e that I have. Hopefully, you will do much better.

If thats the case with u, I do hope it will go better for me ;p But I guesss I will have some sort of let down as well, cuz the dbol really gives a nice feeling :slight_smile: Both physically speaking, and in the mind as well.

How long u been off the dbol, and did it get better at any time?

My test is Royal Quality at least, supposed to be quite good. Where I live its mostly RQ, Europharma and Xenon which is available, and some apothecary amps.

I’ve been off dbol for about 3 weeks now. I had a one week intense letdown followed by a week of decent strength, vigor, and morale; followed by a gastro bug, then a cold and now very mediocre feeling. Check out my thread as I will be posting blood levels of free T tomorrow and that should shed light on the potency of my test e. From what I have read my experience is not typical. This is my first cycle.

I’ll make sure to check ur thread tomorrow then :slight_smile:
As for me I think I will do shoulders 2morrow ;p then its deadlift day on wednesday ;p My favorite day of the week!

Be careful and do not run the DBol too long. Keep an eye on your AST/ALT levels in the blood so you’ll know how your liver is responding.

Day 7

Today I have an offday from training, and will be right back on track tomorrow :slight_smile:

From what I can say so far, my muscles feel fuller, and get quite a bit harder when I flex them. Especially so in my lats, arms and chest.

My left glute is a little bit sore still from last shot ;( but Its endurable :slight_smile: Gonna shoot my third shot a little later today.

To this date, no negative side effects noticed.

Did a thigh shot 2day, I must say I prefer the glutes. Or that could be cuz of the size needle I used. I use 40mm on the glutes and 25mm on the thigh. It was significantly faster to draw and inject with the bigger one ;p

I also guess the thighs have more nerves than the ass also, as I could more directly “feel” that I had a needle inside of me on my thigh, while this is not so much the case with the ass.

But before I can put a final conclusion to this, I want to feel what sort of soreness this inject’s gonna give me compared to my ass soreness :wink:

day 8
Had to work double shifts yesterday cuz the other bastard who was gonna take over for me was sick, so this drained my energy a little bit. But when I came home I slept like 9-10 hours. Then I woke up and made breakfast and etc, still felt a bit groggy and lacking in energy because of such redicolus working hours last night.

Was gonna try doing low rep deadlift work today, but because feeling drained in energy my lower back was weaker than usual ;/ U know that feeling when its sort of twitched together because ur tired as hell, had this feeling.

So I decided to drop the low rep high weight deadlifting, and wanted to do some high rep sumo deads instead. Put on a decent weight and did 20 reppers, got a sick burn in my lower back and hip area.

Then with the lower back quite worked, I went on to do leg presses. Did some high reps there as well on quite a high weight.

Then did one legged hamstring curls, and finished it all off with lunges. Overall I got a decent workout, and felt quite pumped around the lower back, thigh area after todays workout. Didnt quite end up being as I planned, but the lack of energy made me do slightly different choices, which I feel ok about.

Tomorrow I plan to do upper back work, then I will go on to do chest and shoulder work on friday. Hopefully these workouts will be great :slight_smile: I dont have work on either of the days, so I be damned if they suck, hehe.

The rest of the day I am still feeling a little weak in my lower back, and low on energy ;( Had a short nap after my workout for like one hour though, which slightly invigorated me.

I hope someone find any entertainment in this log, guessing its not so fun yet, considering I cant post so much weight gain yet because its been only a week now.

At least, I am up 7 pounds, hehe :slight_smile:

I just wanted to update my log, I got bored of posting so frequently ;p At least, got like 7 injections left of the cycle now. So far this is the gains on my lifts. My lifts are ofc raw, which u can see from the low weight ;(

Old lifts:
deadlift 440 pds
bench 275 pds
squat 330 pds

New lifts:
Deadlift 565 pds
Bench 320 pds
Squat 420 pds

As far as weight gain so far, I have gained 8kg, which is about 17.5 pounds. So my weight is about 252-253 now.

So at least so far I am extremely pleased with the gains I have made ;p Will update again with lifts when I finish.

I am really loving the extra strength I get in workouts. Next cycle I am thinking of upping the test, remove the dbol, and add deca :wink: Was thinking something in the lines of 750-900 test and 500 deca or so weekly.

Anyways, sorry for not posting regularily once again, but I reckon my results from training to training wasnt that fun to read anyways.

As far as side effects, 0 so far. I forgot the ari at my dads place when I visited him a weekend, so didnt do ari then for like a week, and I actually felt fuller without it, so I just scrapped using it, and think I will save it for a later more heavy cycle where it will be more needed. I dont bloat very much at all either which is cool. You could say I have one side effect though, my dick gets hard all the time randomly, I think I will cry when I go off and I lose that permanent viagra on demand feeling ;p There is one thing though,on 2 of the test bottles I have, I always got pain in the injected site for days, but on another bottle, never any pain. Bet the bastards who made my test used too much BA ;(

As far as compounds go, I definitely felt it when test kicked in for real, the strength gains were so fast ;p I am still at a point where I can gain about every time I try to max, so I think my lifts will still go up quite a bit this cycle. The dbol didnt do so much for me except I felt fuller, didnt gain the same strength by far as when the test kicked. But dbol definitely gave me a really nice mood, but not my favorite compound in any way compared to test.

[quote]dicord wrote:
I just wanted to update my log, I got bored of posting so frequently ;p At least, got like 7 injections left of the cycle now. So far this is the gains on my lifts. My lifts are ofc raw, which u can see from the low weight ;(

Old lifts:
deadlift 440 pds
bench 275 pds
squat 330 pds

New lifts:
Deadlift 565 pds
Bench 320 pds
Squat 420 pds

As far as weight gain so far, I have gained 8kg, which is about 17.5 pounds. So my weight is about 252-253 now.

So at least so far I am extremely pleased with the gains I have made ;p Will update again with lifts when I finish.

I am really loving the extra strength I get in workouts. Next cycle I am thinking of upping the test, remove the dbol, and add deca :wink: Was thinking something in the lines of 750-900 test and 500 deca or so weekly.

Anyways, sorry for not posting regularily once again, but I reckon my results from training to training wasnt that fun to read anyways.

As far as side effects, 0 so far. I forgot the ari at my dads place when I visited him a weekend, so didnt do ari then for like a week, and I actually felt fuller without it, so I just scrapped using it, and think I will save it for a later more heavy cycle where it will be more needed. I dont bloat very much at all either which is cool. You could say I have one side effect though, my dick gets hard all the time randomly, I think I will cry when I go off and I lose that permanent viagra on demand feeling ;p There is one thing though,on 2 of the test bottles I have, I always got pain in the injected site for days, but on another bottle, never any pain. Bet the bastards who made my test used too much BA ;(

As far as compounds go, I definitely felt it when test kicked in for real, the strength gains were so fast ;p I am still at a point where I can gain about every time I try to max, so I think my lifts will still go up quite a bit this cycle. The dbol didnt do so much for me except I felt fuller, didnt gain the same strength by far as when the test kicked. But dbol definitely gave me a really nice mood, but not my favorite compound in any way compared to test.[/quote]

I read it all :wink: Since I’m getting ready to do basically the same cycle. Keep us posted.