Hey everyone, first time poster here after lurking around the internet for quite some time. Ive been doing research since I was about 22 but reading from respected people on here I decided to hold off and wait untill I got older and knew more about dieting/fitness. I’ve had this cycle planned out for awhile now and am getting the gear this wednesday so im doing some last minute critiquing to make sure I have the best cycle possible. my main questions are regarding the dosage on my arimidex and PCT.
some background on me
Age: 26
Height: 5 11
Weight: 200-205 depending on time of day
BF%: 13 (measured using calipers today)
been lifting since I was about 18 as I swam for my highschool but was never serious untill I hit 20.
12 week Test-e/Dbol
wk 1-12 500ml EW split of 250 on monday/thursday
wk 1-4 50mg Dbol (liquid)
wk 1-12 Arimidex at .25mg ED or EOD? (this is one of the particular main questions.)
I have clomid on hand but was unsure on a fair dose.
I’ve read people taking 100/100/50/50 and everyone says that’s way too high so 50/50/25/25?
I was thinking of purchasing a vial of nolva to keep on hand if gyno flared up but I could always up the dose of arimidex to 50 untill it calmed down.
EDIT: Will also be running a liver/joint/BP support
Thanks again everyone and I look forward to your advice!!
Yep I would say 0.25 Ed of arimidex while on the dbol then when its just test take 0.5 after every pin (twice a week ye?)
and continue adex until week 15.
Then PCT I would advise starting week 15 Nolvadex 40\30\20\10 and Clomid 100\50\50\50\25 .
The only other thing I would advise if you can get it is HCG 250 IU added into each pin for the 12 weeks to stop your natural test production shutting down.
Start PCT 2 weeks after last shot of Test E so week 14 should be the start of PCT. Also I’d stick with the lower dose of Arimidex (0.25 EOD when just running Test E) but that’s just my opinion.
@Sam_Boy yeah Yeah sounds like a good idea which is what im doing with the comid. Im sure doing that with nolva is a good idea too since I am unable to get my hands on some HCG