Critique My First Cycle

Hey everyone, first time poster here after lurking around the internet for quite some time. Ive been doing research since I was about 22 but reading from respected people on here I decided to hold off and wait untill I got older and knew more about dieting/fitness. I’ve had this cycle planned out for awhile now and am getting the gear this wednesday so im doing some last minute critiquing to make sure I have the best cycle possible. my main questions are regarding the dosage on my arimidex and PCT.

some background on me
Age: 26
Height: 5 11
Weight: 200-205 depending on time of day
BF%: 13 (measured using calipers today)
been lifting since I was about 18 as I swam for my highschool but was never serious untill I hit 20.

12 week Test-e/Dbol
wk 1-12 500ml EW split of 250 on monday/thursday
wk 1-4 50mg Dbol (liquid)
wk 1-12 Arimidex at .25mg ED or EOD? (this is one of the particular main questions.)

I have clomid on hand but was unsure on a fair dose.
I’ve read people taking 100/100/50/50 and everyone says that’s way too high so 50/50/25/25?

I was thinking of purchasing a vial of nolva to keep on hand if gyno flared up but I could always up the dose of arimidex to 50 untill it calmed down.

EDIT: Will also be running a liver/joint/BP support

Thanks again everyone and I look forward to your advice!!


I do Arimidex 0.25 ED while on dbol, then drop to 0.25 EOD or E3D after dbol has finished for rest of cycle.

Also if I was you I’d add Nolva in your PCT at 40/40/20/20

Hope that helps

Yep I would say 0.25 Ed of arimidex while on the dbol then when its just test take 0.5 after every pin (twice a week ye?)
and continue adex until week 15.

Then PCT I would advise starting week 15 Nolvadex 40\30\20\10 and Clomid 100\50\50\50\25 .

The only other thing I would advise if you can get it is HCG 250 IU added into each pin for the 12 weeks to stop your natural test production shutting down.

This advise is all based on research as I am about to run my first cycle which is here

Start PCT 2 weeks after last shot of Test E so week 14 should be the start of PCT. Also I’d stick with the lower dose of Arimidex (0.25 EOD when just running Test E) but that’s just my opinion.

If he runs pins until end of week 12 though then two weeks would be beginning of week 15 right?

Arimidex seems to be hot topic on dosages I think people pick what to start with and adjust based on how they feel.

[quote]Sam_Boy wrote:
If he runs pins until end of week 12 though then two weeks would be beginning of week 15 right?

Arimidex seems to be hot topic on dosages I think people pick what to start with and adjust based on how they feel. [/quote]

Or they just don’t use it… Just saying.

Yeah I was planning on starting with only .25ED and if gyno flared up i would increase to .50. Also i bought some nolva so as of now my PCT will be

Week 1: 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 2: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 3: 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
Week 4: 20mg Nolva ED

@REED ye you don’t use it at all do you still have it on hand then?

@BBZach Ye I think .25 Ed is more than enough I’m only planning on using .5 twice a week.

Ye PCT looks fine mate I’m planning on running;

Nolva 40\30\20\10
Clomid 100\50\50\50\25

but these vary massively I just like idea of tapering each week to let your body gradually take over natural production again.

@Sam_Boy yeah Yeah sounds like a good idea which is what im doing with the comid. Im sure doing that with nolva is a good idea too since I am unable to get my hands on some HCG