I started a cycle around 3 weeks ago of 550 test cyp
I was on TRT 250mg per week and was feeling great with no side affects,
Now after 3 weeks on this cycle I feel anxiety and my mental clarity is not as it normal is, struggling to concentrate and feel horrible,
When I was doing the TRT I would injects twice per week, but on the cycle I been injecting everyday to try and limit side affects,
Iv now stop doing any injections for 5 days to try and get my levels back down, but I’m still feeling the same, and not sure if I should start my old TRT protocol now, or wait more for the levels to drop more,
How long does it take for the levels to peak if I was injecting everyday ?
And how long does it take for them to come back down?
Any knowledgeable suggestions welcome,
I did almost exactly the same thing , ran a 400 mg blast for three weeks and got anxiety and heart palpitations quit and went right back to 240 mg trt dose . Took three weeks but the heart palpitations stopped going on week 5 and anxiety is slowly getting better
I went straight back to my trt dose , I’m pretty sensitive to dose changes and was scared if I skipped a week it might drop fast and make my anxiety worse
Ok do you have any idea how long my levels will be elevated considering I was injecting every day for 3 weeks, I would think it would still be rising a week after stopping?