Stacking Questions

In a longer cycle of 6-8 weeks, would a combination of
300mg winstrol/wk and 600mg primobolan/week kill sex
drive? The alternative would be to use 300mg test cyp/week
plus 300mg primo/week plus 300mg winstrol per week. That
amount of T would maintain sex drive and would certainly
increase gains, w/o much increase in side effects. Also,
how much better would the second stack work over the first?

Generally, the Primo/Winstrol stack would be pro-sexual rather than “killing sex drive.” Winstrol is very good
for this. If concerned about the possibility of estrogen
dropping too low, which can harm sex drive, Androsol (thought it does not raise estrogen levels above normal)
probably will help keep them low or midnormal while LH
is suppressed and no aromatizing steroids are used, or
a little Dianabol could be taken (even 10 mg per day
would suffice for this purpose.)

Bill: Thanks for your response. Quick followup question:
how much better would the gains be with 300/300/300
stack vs the 600/300 stack?