Stacking Questions

Howdy, just have some general supp questions.

25 yrs old
Currently 6’5" 230lbs
training age relatively 8 yrs.
Was a high level d-1 college athlete, swimming, sprinter.
Started lifting real serious again about 18 months ago after about a 2 year break when swimming career was over.
Haven’t tested 1RM in awhile but workout with about 245 for 5x5 on bench, weak 235 squat with 235 deadlift, strict form. ass to the grass on squats, i mean past parallel. 3x 10’s on the legwork. Next spec program will be for the legs, obviously.

Trying to gain lean body mass and cut about 10 lbs, at about 13-15% body fat currently, want to be under ten so I can have visible abs.

Currently stacking HRX, TRIBEX Gold, REZ-V, and Methoxy-7 with ZMA at night and Flameout as recommended.

Intaking 250 g protein a day and eating according to precision nutrition with low carb Metabolic Drive for the extra protein. Workouts 3-5 times per week depending on program.

Would it be over kill to add in creatine and or bcaas? And is the current stack overkill? Have the budget for all. Advice would be great.

This is my Mecca of all things T.


Its a crap load of stuff sdure and yues you can add creatine and BCAA’s creatine and Flameout IMO are two staples. So yes you can add them

Yes its a hell of a lot of stuff and your seemingly VERY new to this and should get training and diet in check first but if you have that are bustin your tail with a solid program and being consistant and a stellar diet. Then by all means have at it looks like a quality supp stack.

Let us know how it goes

[quote]Phill wrote:
Its a crap load of stuff sdure and yues you can add creatine and BCAA’s creatine and Flameout IMO are two staples. So yes you can add them

Yes its a hell of a lot of stuff and your seemingly VERY new to this and should get training and diet in check first but if you have that are bustin your tail with a solid program and being consistant and a stellar diet. Then by all means have at it looks like a quality supp stack.

Let us know how it goes

Thanks for the advice!

P.S. If the stats seem off strength wise I used to be quite strong, struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, almost 2 years clean and sober now. I think the serious drug and alcohol addiction atrophied alot of the muscle I gained during my previous college career.