SST with Same Lifts

Currently Im running SST as written, and Im curious if anyone has done SST with the same big lifts as opposed to the ones originally written.(i.e. Bench 5/3/1 and Press SST, or Squat 5/3/1 and DL SST as opposed to Bench 5/3/1 and Incline SST). I am wondering about this cause I am wanting to add more flat benching volume during the week.

I have not done it but I am doing BBB variation 5x5 @80% which is in the Beyond book and probably a better option.


Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x5 @80%

for 2 cycles then for 2 cycles

Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x3 @90%

[quote]Camm wrote:
I have not done it but I am doing BBB variation 5x5 @80% which is in the Beyond book and probably a better option.


Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x5 @80%

for 2 cycles then for 2 cycles

Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x3 @90%


I was thinking of running that version of BBB too. I did run 5x10BBB last summer and really liked it. Have you done the 5x10?

I like 5’s progression better than SST.

[quote]Young33 wrote:

[quote]Camm wrote:
I have not done it but I am doing BBB variation 5x5 @80% which is in the Beyond book and probably a better option.


Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x5 @80%

for 2 cycles then for 2 cycles

Bench 5/3/1
Press 5x3 @90%


I was thinking of running that version of BBB too. I did run 5x10BBB last summer and really liked it. Have you done the 5x10?[/quote]

Yes I have done BBB 5x10. I ran that for a few cycles and have now changed to 5x5 to mix things up. I think I prefer 5x5 but I will go back to 5x10 at some stage.

SST is made for a different lift. There are numerous other options for using volume work with the same lift.