I did BBB for 4 months last spring and had some varying results. All lifts got stronger during this time but it seemed to work especially well with my squat and press. My bench and especially my deadlift however seem to respond better to higher intensities and thus I’m looking at trying either 5x5 @80% or 5x3 @90%.
Since I’ve had so much success with 5x10 on the other two lifts, would this be a feasible plan?:
Squat 5’s Pro
BBB 5x10 @50%
Assistance Work
Bench 5’s Pro
BBB 5x5 @80% or 5x3 @90%
Assistance Work
Deadlift 5’s Pro
BBB 5x5 @80% or 5x3 @90%
Assistance Work
OHP 5’s Pro
BBB 5x10 @50%
Assistance Work
I recently bought 2nd Edition, Beyond and Forever and read them all and it was a lot of information to take in so maybe I’ve just had information overload and the answer is in there somewhere. My take on it is that Wendler mentions doing different work for different lifts numerous times in the books and even though I don’t think this specific plan is mentioned (or is it?) I think it’d be okay?
Also my own limited knowledge tells me it wouldn’t be a problem. Probably just overthinking things.