Haven’t looked at replacement back options for shipping to Australia but would prefer not to spend a lot of cashola.
Still wanna use the bar and it’s not bad without the pad but apparently without the extra height of the pad I’m missing out on some SSB benefits. If I don’t get it perfectly on my back it presses on my shoulders a bit but nothing too bad.
So any ideas?
Haven’t tried any yet but so far have got wrapping something around the bar like a towel or a pool noodle cut up.
I would use a foam roller, if DIY.
Cut 3 pieces to length. Remember to leave some space to grip the bar on the 2 handle segments.
Cut them in half.
Cut a trough or channel approximately the thickness of the bar. If you can get a drill bit that would be great. A long boring bit would work. You don’t need a twist bit.
Place that around the exposed bar.
Glue or duct tape in place.
Good luck, they also make barbell pads to be placed on a bar when squatting. Most lifters will sneer at these pads ( I do) that will make a good pad for the neck, cut a 2nd pad in half length for the handles
Didn’t end up doing anything. Ive been eyeing Verve they has a nice looking clone of the Titan fitness SSB which is a nice looking clone the elite fts SSB though
I mean technically if they are clones is the same genetic info as the OG elitefts so cloning Titan is the same as cloning elitefts. All of rogues shit gets ripped off by Titan, Verve and half a dozen other brands. I don’t mind Verve makes solid stuff I’ve used their Westside style bench and power rack