
i’ve been clean for almost a month;taking clomid. ypu recommend 2 100mgs of test shots? will this not bring you to square one? would’nt proviron be a better choice? just curious.

As a matter of fact, I had a conversation with Cy about this the other day… here is what was said, I hope that Cy doesn’t mind me sharing his info… if someone disagrees with it just fucking keep it to yourself.

Me to Cy: I can’t get my hands on adrogel and my cycle is coming to an end. Is there any way that I couls substitute proviron for androgel in your post cycle protocol?

Cy to me: Proviron won’t work…only testosterone. I suppose you could use a very small amount, something like 5-10 mg/day provided that you use clomiphene concurrently. As you’ll see in the next print issue, there’s data demonstrating the concurrent use of fluoxymesterone (Halotestin) and clomiphene or anastrozole will not result in a net decrease in LH.

Me to Cy: In terms of the Proviron… I thought that it might work due to its short half life and the fact that it is some sort of testosterone derivitive or DHT derivitive.

Cy to me: Proviron MAY work just as fluoxymesterone…just be sure to use a small dosage.

Me to CY: The problem I see is this, no injectable test has a short enough half life to be sufficiently cleared by nighttime, which would allow my circadian rhythim (though argueably non-existant at this point) to restore LH production. I understand that certain compounds like dianabol are shown not to cause suppression of LH when taken as a morning dose or with an aromatase inhibitor when your LH levels are already normal BUT… can we really assume that your LH will restore itself when taking these compounds?

Cy to me: I’m not really sure what you’re asking but I’ll say the following and hopefully it hits whatever questions you have on the head. With the HPTA, it’s not so much the circadian rhythm that you need to be concerned with PROVIDED that you are using an aromatase inhibitor or estrogen antagonist AND using a small dosage of testosterone (something like 100 mg/week of test enanthate) as the peak blood levels with that have been shown…again when taking clomiphene or an aromatase inhibitor concurrently, not to suppress LH and to keep it from falling. The halotestin…I’ll have to look the exact data up but I believe they were given something like 20-40 mg/day and found no suppression of LH provided that they were using clomiphene before and during treatment. I don’t know what you mean by having studied it in the absence of LH.

Basically I was trying to say that I understood that certain compounds caused no decrease in LH in conjuction with an aromatase inhibitor HOWEVER, I was trying to distiguish between a lack of suppression while your body had a normal LH level, and the actual INCREASE of LH when it is suppressed, say after a cycle. So, although I might have worded the question poorly, Cy still provided some excellent info and opinions. Hope this sheds some light on some shit for you fellas.

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my question is this,the t enanthate will bind to an AR receptor,in the brain ect… that binding will cause the hypothalamus to decrease their stimulating signals,will it not? on the other hand,if low dose testosterone injections are given in conjunction with clomid,i suppose the action of the clomid will not be negated. provided the testosterone dosage is low. as for low,i’m thinking 75 mgs,100 may be too much but that can only be proven by getting blood work for lh levels.

any other data out there on this topic?

I hear great things of using 10mgs of dbol first thing in the morning. With all the other goodies included of course, adex and clomid at the very least. I think recovery costs more than the cycle.

Recovery costs me a lot more than the cycle actually however I believe recovery is the MOST IMPORTANT PART of your cycle. Who cares how much you gain if your balls are in shambles and you just lose it all anyhow. Mxim, yes the test will bind to the AR and signify LESS of a need for the HPTA to resume function however the need will still be present as this is a small amount of test metabolized over a relatively long period of time. Although it will take a little longer to recover, at least there will not be a time when your body is devoid of androgens.