Squats Critique.


I would like you to comment on my squat style, all comments are appreciated.

My goal is to squat 240kg raw when this program is completed, however i had two lifts today with a belt and knee wraps.

My body weight is aprox. 90kg.

The squat link:


For one, you should show a movie where you actually completed the rep yourself (I may be wrong, but it looks like your partner helped you complete the rep. At least on the second video, couldn’t tell on the first).

Two, sit back farther. I was wondering why your partner was standing right behind you, then I realised you were going straight down. When you first step out of the rack your hips should break first, sticking your ass out. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstrings (you probably won’t be able to sit back this far on max attempts, but it’s good practice) your knees should start bending. At this point some people continue to sit back, others go straight down. Remember to push your knees out forcefully the entire time to bring your hips into play.

Out of curiosity, how much weight was ont the bar?

Sorry, can’t help you, I’m just a newbie.
But I would like to know what song is that in the background and which gym is that?
I wish my gym would play rock/metal songs. Instead it’s just mellow pop songs from the radio…

Anyway, sorry about the hijack, your form looks pretty good to me, but like I said, I’m just a noob.

Best of luck with that goal!

Two, sit back farther. I was wondering why your partner was standing right behind you, then I realised you were going straight down. When you first step out of the rack your hips should break first, sticking your ass out. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstrings (you probably won’t be able to sit back this far on max attempts, but it’s good practice) your knees should start bending. At this point some people continue to sit back, others go straight down. Remember to push your knees out forcefully the entire time to bring your hips into play.

How in the flying fu(k can you tell him to sit back further and break his hips first?

He never even locks his hips up at the start of the lift. His ass is sticking out and he leads the squat with hip motion. Hell, he is already 1/8 of the way down before he initiates the lift.

What he needs to do is fix his unrack and set-up.

Bring your feet further forward so you can achieve a more upright torso out of the rack. When the weight comes off of the pins, lock up your knees and hips, and let the weight settle for a one count. Try to walk the weight out with minimal knee bend.

After you walk it out, lock up your knees and hips again. Don’t start the lift loose. You want to start like you are going to finish. If you watch, you are maintaining the same torso angle that you leave the rack with, so straighten it up.

Other than that, it looks reasonable. You seem pretty tentative in the hole. I would work on speeding it up some.

Stallion are you training for contest? If so I’m not sure you are deep enough. Confirmation on depth is better made with a side view.


Whoa, hold on there, pardner! That was
well below parallel. That was deep!

Recommend that you do not sqaut while looking into a mirror. There will not be a mirror in the contest and I find that the mirror can mess up your form. Definitely agree that you need to be much tighter coming out of the rack and before you start the lift.

The rulebook for the federation I compete in states ‘the top surface of the hip joint below the top surface of the knees’ as proper depth. Powerlifting depth is not some ‘gym rat’s’ definition of depth.


During competition, you must lock your knees before given the squat command and also lock your knees before given the rack command.


Thanks for all the feedback. Always new things to learn!

I will try to answer all the feedback here.

For one, you should show a movie where you
actually completed the rep yourself (I may
be wrong, but it looks like your partner
helped you complete the rep. At least on
the second video, couldn’t tell on the first).

I am on the smolov squat program, and this was the
last eccentric squats done in the 2 week switching
period betwwen the base mesocycle and the intense
mesocycle, se the following link for a complete
description of the smolov squat program.


Two, sit back farther. I was wondering why your
partner was standing right behind you, then I
realised you were going straight down. When
you first step out of the rack your hips should
break first, sticking your ass out. Once you
feel a stretch in your hamstrings (you probably
won’t be able to sit back this far on max attempts,
but it’s good practice) your knees should start
bending. At this point some people continue to
sit back, others go straight down. Remember to
push your knees out forcefully the entire time
to bring your hips into play.

I fail to see how i can sit back any further. It must
be the camera angle fooling you. My knees does not travel
very much forward. The weight on the bar might also change
the technique a little bit. It was only the second time
I tried this weight.

Out of curiosity, how much weight was ont the bar?

252.5kg, or 556lbs

Perfect technique I could show you with 200kg, without much
effort. There are always things that can be improved, I always
try to do my best. I try to stick my butt out as far as I can,
it is easier with lesser weights of course.

Sorry, can’t help you, I’m just a newbie.
But I would like to know what song is that in
the background and which gym is that?
I wish my gym would play rock/metal songs.
Instead it’s just mellow pop songs from the radio…

It is some ramstein music, german rock group. I work at the
gym, and I have 24hrs access and can choose whatever music
i like, and play as loud as i fancy.

Anyway, sorry about the hijack, your form looks pretty
good to me, but like I said, I’m just a noob.

Best of luck with that goal!

Thanks - best of luck to you as well!

What he needs to do is fix his unrack and set-up.

Bring your feet further forward so you can achieve
a more upright torso out of the rack. When the
weight comes off of the pins, lock up your knees
and hips, and let the weight settle for a one count.
Try to walk the weight out with minimal knee bend.
This is will focus on nearer competition time.

After you walk it out, lock up your knees and hips
again. Don’t start the lift loose. You want to
start like you are going to finish. If you watch,
you are maintaining the same torso angle that you
leave the rack with, so straighten it up.

Other than that, it looks reasonable. You seem pretty
tentative in the hole. I would work on speeding it up some.

Thanks for a lot of good input here. Allt those issues
will be taken into consideration!

Stallion are you training for contest? If so I’m not
sure you are deep enough. Confirmation on depth is
better made with a side view.

Depth is an issue, which is something i work on. I think
the second lift was deep enough. But not the first.

Recommend that you do not sqaut while looking into a
mirror. There will not be a mirror in the contest and
I find that the mirror can mess up your form. Definitely
agree that you need to be much tighter coming out of
the rack and before you start the lift.

Tighter means more upright? I guess I will have to work on that!

The mirror issue i am aware of. But what takes time is to build
the strength. The adaption to a non mirror squat i will care about
nearer competition time.

The rulebook for the federation I compete in states
‘the top surface of the hip joint below the top surface
of the knees’ as proper depth. Powerlifting depth is not
some ‘gym rat’s’ definition of depth.

Completely aware of this, and working on it.

During competition, you must lock your knees before given
the squat command and also lock your knees before given the rack command.

Another tip to take into account.

Thank you guys!

It took you 4 steps and 8 seconds from lifting the bar off the rack to beginning your descent. You’re using up energy that whole time.

I would try to cut both of those in half ~ 2 steps, 4 seconds

one thing you may want to try that helps me is to put you head back you seem to be looking straight ahead, try looking up. I say this because your spotter seems to have to pull back on you a little, " the body goes were the head leads" thats what i’ve been told by quite a few people, pushig my head into my traps hard stops me from leaning forward.

and i think booniville is right your set up took to long, to much energy expeniture.

good luck on your goals

I have looked on the video of some world record holders in the squat, and i can tell you have right. They do not walk with the bar, they dive right into action after a few steps. Thanks for all the info…

I believe I have got everything covered now, regarding what I have to work with. Thanks a lot to everyone!

There’s no point in training heavy weights (getting ready for contest) unless they are done to powerlifting depth. Get the powerlifting technique down before going up in weight. Powerlifting is about what lifts you complete successfully, not what you attempt. Check you ego at the door.


Hmm…Link didn’t work for me…

Where are you, and what league are you planning on competing in?

Your best bet is to get together with some local powerlifters: they can do way more for you in person than we can virtually.

Rammestein is great lifting music…Ever try KMFDM?

beefcake - thanks for the input. you are right mate.

to the other poster, nah, i have just tried ramstein, the other group i haven’t tried.

and also to get together with some powerlifter might be good.

thanks again for all the input.

appreciate it!