September 3, 2007, 10:21am
I’m looking to increase my leg size, so along with more calories and Berardi’s PN i’m thinking of adding in leg press after squats
I currently do 5x5 of atg squats, alternating with CT’s 5-10-15 sets.
However it seems like my technique gives out long before my legs are properly fried. My max squat is only 280-300lbs on a good day.
So If my goals are to grow some better legs, and i’m not too worried about athletic performance then is this a good idea
or should i just really concentrate on the squats?
September 3, 2007, 12:16pm
Sounds a good idea providing you don’t limit the squats to ‘save a bit’ for the leg press.
September 3, 2007, 1:59pm
[quote]Boffin wrote:
Sounds a good idea providing you don’t limit the squats to ‘save a bit’ for the leg press.[/quote]
Good point, give it your all on the squats, then the leg press can be like a finisher.
According to studies, leg presses induce more hypertrophy than squats.
September 3, 2007, 4:01pm
If your technique is faltering then you need to fix that. Adding another lift afterwards might mask the problem for awhile but what will you do when that combo stalls out, keep adding more and more lifts? Fix that squat technique to the point where you don’t need any other lifts for quads for the day.
September 3, 2007, 5:45pm
good points scott
i have tried for ages, read all the dave tate stuff etc, i seem to lean forward too far, and end up with a mild good morning going on too
will try to focus on the technique and include the leg press