Squat Form Check

How is my form any tips ?

Lbramble im looking for advice from you bro.

In this video i did not take my nike romaleo 2’s with me so i had to use 10 lb plates under my heels wearing chuck taylors so it was a little akward. But since i have been working on mobility i can actually squat straight down now lol. Im gonna start a 3x5 system squatting 3 times a week adding 10 lbs every week so i can ingrave the movement pattern into my system. This will get me fully use to squatting this way i actually think im going to subtract 10 lbs from this weight and start. I dont know if i was upright enough but im sure i could have been alot more upright if i had my proper shoes on because they offer a completly solid base to push from.

Also im gonna start incorporating alot of front squats in as well maybe the same method do 3x5 also but only add 5 lbs a week instead of 10 what do you guys think ?

Are you trying to do paused squats? If not you dont have to stop at the bottom position.
Your form is ok, keep squatting. I can’t really tell but you seem a little bit relaxed at the bottom, try not to lose any tightness at any part of your body.

As for the programming I cant really help you. I was doing 3x5, 3 times a week when I started lifting seriously for the first time and that got me form 75kgx5 to 115kgx5. Then I joined a weightlifting club and since then I’m squatting everyday

Yes i was trying to do paused squats just to show my form better so that people could really see what i was doing.


I think the form looks pretty damn good.
The advice i’d give is stop the video when your at the bottom in the hole.
Your low back is rounding. Not god aweful, but its rounding. Like the previous poster said this may be the result of not staying tight in the hole. It will also contribute to you resorting to a goodmorning when the weight gets heavy.

I’m just gonna guess and say that you don’t do alot of front squats heavy. Or front squats period.

If your back rounds like that at all in a front squat…you don’t come back up.
So they are great for correcting spine form.

The other reason i suspect your rounding, mostly because it was/is a huge issue with me is your posture.

When your walking to the bar and when you step out of the rack your head is out in front of your body and its pointed slightly down. The whole time. My guess is this is your normal posture, because as you walk and rack the bar your spine is slightly curved forward.

If you quit lifting this won’t physically be an issue, if you keep lifting, with age this will screw up your shoulders(because they are rotated forward) or worse your back.

Hold your damn head up straight, rotate your shoulders back and work on your posture in and OUT of the gym. Or it will catch up with you.

Take 10 minutes to watch the video on this link:

I ain’t into crossfitting but this guy’s mobility shit allowed me to cancel a shoulder surgery i was scheduled for. It has made that much of a difference.

get your posture straightened out and your squats will shoot through the roof.


Thanks lb exactly what i was looking for.
This is my first time squatting this way.
I didnt have my oly shoes so my foot was bending at the arch which threw me off a bit i think.
As stupid as this may sound i dont think my posture is horrible i had to look down like that to see where the plates were because i didnt bring my oly shoes.
Also this may sound stupid also but i was just kind of messing around to see if i could squat decent this way.
I did see the lower back rounding i think it was because ibwas relaxing in the whole.
If my posture does become and issue i will start working on it intensively.
Ill post another video a few weeks down the road for you to see after i get more used to squatting this way.

You have been a great help thanks lb.


Ok here is my problem and its pissing me off. When i high bar squat i get my shoulders real tight my upper back tight and lower back.

I break at the knees and start to go down…about halfway down i have to do a kind of high back shift forward so i can go all the way down…i want to be able to keep my upper back straight and break at the knees and sit straight down without having to lean my upper back forward…here is a video i dont know if you can tell but when i get right before parellel my upper back shifts forward…heres the link.


As you can see with this upper back shift forward at the point it does my lower back rounds.

Heres another video of me trying to break at the knees and sit straight down. As you will see i try to stay upright and when i reach about half way down i just fall over


As you can see i am very frustrated.

I have been working on mobility but he work i am doing isnt helping i have been squatting down and putting my elbows between my knees and pushing out on them. Also i have been strecthing the quads and sitting down with legs close and trying to touch my toes 3 times daily. Im so damb irritated…

What mobility work should i be doing to fix this problem??

Note i can squat with my hands in front of me no problem but even if i stick my arms up like im squatting i cannot stay upright without falling backwards…i really need some help im losing my mind as to why cannot keep tight break at the knees and sit straight down… it seems so simple but yet so complicated please help me i feel like saying thw hell with squatting…but if someone can fix my problem and tell me what to do about this i will work my ass off trying to get it right…help please guys…

Bump please help with the videos above

any help on the above post guys?

Are you able to stay more upright if you elevate your heels (wear Oly shoes or place plates under your heels)?

My guess, based on your description is that your ankle (specifically Soleus) mobility is lacking, which is not allowing your knees to track forwards enough, thus causing you to lose your balance backwards, or have to shift your center of gravity forwards somehow (like leaning your shoulders forwards).


Two quick suggestions:

  1. And this is most important. IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN OVERNIGHT. No one is gonna say do this or do that and tomorrow your gonna be squatting like Lu Xiaojun. Mobility work takes time. I never full (meaning ATG) or front squatted until i was done boxing, in my mid-forties. Shit i tell kids like you if i can get there at my age so can you…alot quicker, but it takes TIME. I could not bodyweight squat ATG without my heels coming off the ground.

Here is something that really helped me starting out. Stand infront of a poll or in a doorway of your house and squat ALL THE WAY down. HOLD onto the poll or door frame to make it easier when your at the bottom. Then just sit there, rock back and forth, side to side. Work on letting go of the poll for as along as possible. Time yourself. I started with 30 seconds and then slowly worked up to 3 minutes a pop. Don’t use your Oly shoes do it in flats.

Do this a couple times in the morning and evening.Whenever. Get to where you don’t need to be in the doorway or holding on to anything. Where you can just squat ATG, in flat shoes wherever and be comfortable for minutes at a time. Just like a 6-month old does and most asian people do.

  1. Quit back squatting all together for two or three months. FRONT SQUAT. Not with a sissy crossover elbow grip and not using straps to grip. With a clean grip. Swallow your pride cause your gonna have alot less weight on the bar…for a while. You really have to try hard to screw up form on a front squat cause the bar just rolls off as soon as ya start bending forward. After 3 months go back to back squatting. You will be amazed at how much your form has “magically” improved. If you can’t front squat. Start out “goblet squatting” using dumbells.
    Thats exactly how i started. Look it up.