Sprinting for Size

I just began sprinting again and was wondering if sprinting could be my may leg exercise. I do ten 100 meter sprints 3 times a week.

If you are already happy with the size of your legs now then yes. If not I think you should train legs with compound movements for strength once a week and do the sprinting the other two days if you want.

Sprinting the same distances 3x a week doesn’t seem very effective, try different lengths each week or each day.

[quote]Eric Cartman wrote:
I just began sprinting again and was wondering if sprinting could be my may leg exercise. I do ten 100 meter sprints 3 times a week. [/quote]

What types of recovery are you using? That sounds like it is some type of tempo. Most likley you are using insufficient recovery and the quality of reps are declining after each rep. If you are looking to use this as strengthening for your legs you can always use hill sprints. I wouldn’t do away with your weights though, you can use the hill sprints and lower weights on the same day with good results. Good luck.

It also depends on your gopals but even FAST sprinters use HEAVY weights in their training.


[quote]Phill wrote:
It also depends on your gopals but even FAST sprinters use HEAVY weights in their training.


Very true. I may have come across saying don’t use heavy weights. I mean’t lower body weights can be used effectivley in conjuction with a good sprint program. Lifitng heavy will not make you slow!

I really depends on your genetics. Some people can do just sprints and some bleachers and have good size and development while others have to lift heavy for decent leg size. I do a combination of sprint work and weights but I had pretty decent size before touching a weight. Find out what works for you but be advised that sprint work will tax the cns more than you think

[quote]Eric Cartman wrote:
I just began sprinting again and was wondering if sprinting could be my may leg exercise. I do ten 100 meter sprints 3 times a week. [/quote]

Are you a totally ripped BEEFCAKE!

Thanks for the input. Due to a back injury I can’t squat heavy like I used to. I really miss heavy squatting! Now I have been reduced to using a wussy leg press machine and doing high reps (which I do not enjoy - I hate high reps). My only goal with sprinting is to get some cardio. I’m 51 years old, 6-1 at 210 with approximately 10%BF. Since I can’t squat heavy I thought maybe sprinting would be enough. I am in a maintenance mode, but could use some leg size.

Try doing step-ups with dumbells. Very little back stress but plenty of leg.

[quote]treco wrote:
Try doing step-ups with dumbells. Very little back stress but plenty of leg.[/quote]

It depends on the height of the step and the weight used. A high step with a lot of weight will really involve much of the gluteal chain.

[quote]treco wrote:
Try doing step-ups with dumbells. Very little back stress but plenty of leg.[/quote]

I agree, single leg exercises (step up, split squats, single leg deadlifts …) are the way to go. Leg press machine can be hard on the back as well. Never let your hips come off the pad.

Sprinting is awesome training, and it’s not just gonna improve your legs. You should find someone who can instruct you on proper technique, if available. You’ll benefit greatly from good coaching if you haven’t already received good instruction on sprinting technique.

You just gotta find the appropriate balance of volume for your sprinting training when taken in the context of your current conditioning with all your other physical training.

[quote]Modi wrote:
treco wrote:
Try doing step-ups with dumbells. Very little back stress but plenty of leg.

It depends on the height of the step and the weight used. A high step with a lot of weight will really involve much of the gluteal chain.[/quote]

You are right, I should have been more specific. Parallel or less should work for the OP. Perhaps hack squats also.

I can’t imagine him doing sprints though - having had back surgery that won’t allow squating. But I do not claim any medical expertise

edit:back injury rather than surgery

[quote]treco wrote:
Modi wrote:
treco wrote:
Try doing step-ups with dumbells. Very little back stress but plenty of leg.

It depends on the height of the step and the weight used. A high step with a lot of weight will really involve much of the gluteal chain.

You are right, I should have been more specific. Parallel or less should work for the OP. Perhaps hack squats also.

I can’t imagine him doing sprints though - having had back surgery that won’t allow squating. But I do not claim any medical expertise

edit:back injury rather than surgery[/quote]

I think he said he is 51 years old. Sprinting 100 meters sounds like it could be trouble.

Perhaps running some hills would be better and less likely to cause an injury.

Sprinting should always be supplemented with some form of strength training targeted for the legs.

Chad Waterbury proposed sprinting in conjunction with heavy resistance training (and incline walking) in his article ‘The Skinny Leg Syndrome’.

My back just can’t take much compressive loading. 51 is old I guess for sprinting, but I’m in very good shape and still fast.

How about front squats, split squats or single leg stuff. The leg press is a back destroyer. I guess light weight is ok, but so is a light squat.

I would think that sprinting would cause some back problems too.

[quote]Eric Cartman wrote:
My back just can’t take much compressive loading. 51 is old I guess for sprinting, but I’m in very good shape and still fast. [/quote]

As long as you are able to handle the demands sprinting places on your body, then you should be OK. Just be extra sure that your warm up is adequate. I would also limit your speed days to 2x/week and lower the volume a bit. I just feel the 3x per week you have outlined will have you feeling drained after the first couple weeks. Take the regeneration work seriously in between sessions also.