I would like the hear the thoughts of any experienced sprinters, or trainers on how frequently they perform maximal efforts in a training week.
Currently I am doing sprints 4 days a week. sat, sun, tues, thurs. Each day I push myself as hard as possible, but for different durations (anywhere from 5 to 25 second sprints). I also do weights(legs) 2 or 3 times a week, usually on a sprint day, but at least 4 hours before or after the sprint workout.
I think this is too much. I have been making steady improvements over the past 6 weeks using a schedule like this. But tonight (two sprint days in a row, plus heavy step-ups sat morning), I feel like my CNS started to weaken or slow. I feel a little weaker in the sprints as well. (sustained power was down a bit from earlier in the week)
Perhaps I should reduce it to 2 sprint workouts, and 2 weight workouts a week?
I think that’s definetely too much. You may need some rest after all that, take a week and go light. By that I mean don’t push yourself to the absolute max each time because if you keep that up your body is not going to be able to keep up with recovery.
As a strength and condtioning coach I would say do the sprint workouts 3 times per week and work your legs 2 days a week but try to do the lifting after the sprint workouts whether right after or a few hours later. Don’t forget that your arms play a big role in sprinting as well so don’t neglect them.
[quote]Triple M wrote:
I think that’s definetely too much. You may need some rest after all that, take a week and go light. By that I mean don’t push yourself to the absolute max each time because if you keep that up your body is not going to be able to keep up with recovery.
As a strength and condtioning coach I would say do the sprint workouts 3 times per week and work your legs 2 days a week but try to do the lifting after the sprint workouts whether right after or a few hours later. Don’t forget that your arms play a big role in sprinting as well so don’t neglect them. [/quote]
thanks for the advice. I should have mentioned that I am sprinting on a bike, not running. Which that makes my upper body even more important. But yes, I do nearly just as much upper body weight training. pullups, bench, rows, dips, weighted situps.