I am thinking about buying Coach Davies Hockey Renegade training 8 week program from his web site. I was just wondering, however, how in depth it goes. Does it cover proper diet, when to do things, how to do things, etc.? Has anyone else used the hockey workout?
Hey bro,
I have the 8 week Mixed Martial Arts program. The program will give you what exercises, reps, time periods, rests, weight percentages, and sprints to follow. I found that I knew what most exercise were or could find them on T-mag. Coach Davies responded to any how to questions I had on the exercises. The program does not have a diet with it but there are some artciles on renegadetraining and intensitymagazine that cover this.
I definitely recommend the MMA program and I imagine his program for hockey is good too as MMA and hockey aren’t so different
The Hockey program is extremely detailed and built specifically for Hockey. It has received a lot of attention this past summer because of my intense work with a top Cdn. Jr. going to the NHL. Please feel free to email me any questions. In faith, Coach Davies