Anyone have this game? If so - When you get dropped off in NYC, wher are you supposed to go?
I keep getting cought and killed by the NG’s that are on patrol. I think this one is way harder than the first two.
Anyone have this game? If so - When you get dropped off in NYC, wher are you supposed to go?
I keep getting cought and killed by the NG’s that are on patrol. I think this one is way harder than the first two.
which platform is that on?
I have the original for xbox.
How do you find time to play video games?
You’re twins, aren’t you.
That’s right after the blackout right? You have to climb the fire escape on the right side of the street, shoot out the light and make your way around the left side of the semi and when you pass, take a right and go through that door. Do not kill the NG’s, but you can knock one or two out. You also have to book it through that door. They won’t follow you through the door, you won’t be shot at after you get inside the bldg.
It’s definitely got much better graphics than the prev. two, but not especially harder, yet. Can’t wait to try out the vs. mode.
That’s exactly the info I was looking for - thanks!
I finally have DSL and am trying to rig up a home network that will allow me to play Xbox Live.
I think it’s harder than the first two. It took me two days to get off the damn ‘ship’ level. After I figured out how to use the new map, the ‘bank’ level went pretty quick.
Did they combine the sticky cameras with the diversion cameras?
[quote]Joe Weider wrote:
How do you find time to play video games?
I can’t stand old people. There is ALWAYS time to play video games, even when there isn’t time to play video games. I think the average age of Playstation and XBox owners is 29yo. Anywhoo, screw SplinterCell and get GTA SA. There is no game better.
Side note: For the record, splinter cell looks cool as hell in the commercial so I will probably get it later.
Is GTA-SA out on X-box? I must not have gotten the memo. If it’s half as fun as Vice City - I’m buying it.
I’ve been hooked on Splinter Cell since I bought the very first one. You can’t beat the graphics. The only downside to SC is that there is no fucking around like you can do in GTA.
My little girl found all the hidden packages in Vice City for me just by driving around. I got to where I actually knew the city like it was a real town, and could go anywhere without a map.
AMEN! How can you NOT find time to play video games??? I just wish GTA SA was out for XBox. RJ, I had no idea you were an XBox man! If anyone else on here plays Halo 2 (and is enjoying the new maps as much as I am), you can find me under my XBox Live tag of UConnKuz.
32 years old and still playing video games… as I will be at 42, 52…
Please, I don’t even play Vice City. GTA SA is on another level. You can eat and get fat, or eat salads, lift weights and get hookers telling you how sexy you are. You can then bang them in the back of your ride that you just stole right before you escape from the police and get a new paint job so no one recognizes you. This game alone has gotten me back into playing video games. I hadn’t played them much at all since Tomb Raider first came out when I was in college.
I haven’t tried the new Splinter Cell yet but I am definitley plannig to. San Andreas was my total addiction until God of War. I didn’t see that one coming.
I agree with the Prof., there is always time for video games. I’ll get to put this theory to the test in October, as there is a Junior Mentz on the way…my wife may have different thoughts on my time to play video games then.
The VS. mode is really fun, as long as you are playing with a group of people you know (or at least people that you know to be reputable players). I’ve found the online Splinter Cell community at-large to be pretty damn unpleasant.
I have beat the game and it is amazing…
Online play is sick… My friends and I have the head-phones and we just wreck!
Dude you’ll love that game.
-Get Lifted
I love Splinter Cell, add me on xbox live please: gapingassklown
Shit I resent that. I’m only 34, I just find that I don’t have the time to spend playing games. Any time I spend not working is spent here.
Do I wish I had time for games? Hell yeah…
But such is life.
I smell a T-Nation group forming on X-box live.
[quote]GriffinC wrote:
I love Splinter Cell, add me on xbox live please: gapingassklown[/quote]
that’s a joke, right?
[quote]GriffinC wrote:
I love Splinter Cell, add me on xbox live please: gapingassklown[/quote]
LOL!! Really? I can just see it now. I will be on with some buddies, we need one more for a new game and I say, “Yeah, I got someone on my friend list to add. Gapingassklown! He rules!” GOOD TIMES.
[quote]rainjack wrote:
I smell a T-Nation group forming on X-box live.[/quote]
We’d kick some serious azz.
[quote]ahex740 wrote:
San Andreas was my total addiction until God of War. I didn’t see that one coming.[/quote]
I am 36 and loved every damn minute of God of War! The menage sequence was funny. Beating Aries was unusually satisfying…GTA SA is up next.
that is my xbox live name or “gamertag” blah blah blah whatever. it used to be uptownassklown, go figure huh?
[quote]GriffinC wrote:
that is my xbox live name or “gamertag” blah blah blah whatever. it used to be uptownassklown, go figure huh?[/quote]
Used to be? Dude, please tell me you did not get banned.