[quote]angry chicken wrote:
I never understood why people play video games. For TEN straight hours. I too have friends that do this. And I see that a lot of my T-brethren play games. But I’ve tried it on several occasions and I’m bored out of my mind after two minutes.
Even when I was a kid, my little brother spent HOURS playing the original Legend of Zelda, where Link could only move in four directions, and I would piss him off by un screwing the fuse in the fusebox and making him start over! That was FAR more entertaining than playing the actual game! Yes, I was that sadistic older brother (but he never got in a fight in his life cuz of me, too).
So WHAT IS IT about video games that you guys like? And I’m glad that this new thread started so I could ask, cuz I’m not the type of rude asshat that would contaminate the established Geek shit thread (nor would I want to invoke the “wrath of X” LOL). Just curious.
<<<ducks back behind abstract obstacle as all sorts of weapons, laser beams, madden footballs, missiles, rockets, RPGs, and “sonic punches” are aimed in my general direction>>>
PS, I still wuvs you guys! [/quote]
I ride a motorcycle, lift really heavy weights, and live life like an adrenalin junky. I also play video games.
At this point, if you are under the age of 40 and still think video games are strange, there is probably just something wrong with you alone.
It is a little like an old man saying, “Why do people have to use so many computers lately? I still like to write CHECKS while 50 people wait in line behind me at the grocery store”.
I got into gaming playing Tomb Raider.
I have never been into sports games or first person shooters. I like puzzles and being able to move in any direction I want…which is why when GTA San Andreas came out, they got me right back into gaming again. Before that, it had been YEARS since I really played a game seriously.
Games like Assassin’s Cred are not Zelda. They have NOTHING in common. It is an adult game with a great story line and tons of shit to do.
I think the real question is why you look down on gaming when video games at this point are as entertaining as a full scale mega-CGI movie that you get to be a part of.
Maybe you should TRY IT before HATING IT.