I do incline and flat dumbell bench presses on seperate days and it takes me about a WEEK or LONGER to recover between workouts. I don’t do any other weight lifting except carry a couple of pretty heavy grocery bags once every 2 weeks or so. (That shouldn’t matter but I’m just telling you anyway.)
What product or suggestion do all of you have so I can work out more often and not wait so many days to recover before I can work out again??
[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
Thundersnow wrote:
I don’t do any other weight lifting except carry a couple of pretty heavy grocery bags once every 2 weeks or so.
That isn’t weightlifting. Not even remotely.
What product or suggestion do all of you have so I can work out more often and not wait so many days to recover before I can work out again??
Umm workout more often anyway. How do you know it takes that long for you to recover? What exactly is occuring that is giving you this impression?[/quote]
You know how you have to listen to your body to know when the next time is you can work out. When I have tried to work out before I’m ready I can’t even finish my warmup sets since my muscles have not fully recovered yet.
You know that feeling when you lift a relatively light weight but on a certain day it feels heavy which mean you have not fully recoverd. If you try to do your next warmup set you wouldn’t be able to lift it at all.
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
Is that all you do? Post a full routine if not. We have NO information about you. Are you heavily active? What kind of job? How much sleep?[/quote]
I used to do incline, flat, and decline dumbell bench presses but my recovery is so slow that it was taking me forever to improve. Plus I’ve heard and read enough to know that most experts stress flat and incline bench press but few people do decline.
I do not have a physical job so that does not interfere. I do run once or twice every 7 to 10 days but not for that long. I run on a treadmill around 6 mph for around 20 minutes and including the warm up and cool down it’s a total of 30 to 35 minutes but the last 5 minutes is walking.
Once in a while I go run on a slightly hilly paved trail in a park but that is for just 10 to 20 minutes. I run because it gives me good energy and stamina for my lifting workouts.
I used to deadlifts but I need to build more upper body strength before I get back into again and also my recovery is so slow that it would even further reduce the frequency of my chest workouts which are the most important to me.
I get enough sleep and I only lift when I’m fully rested otherwise you don’t do as well as you could.
In talking to people at the GNC and other fitness product stores they have said Proten, Creatine, and Glutamine to help recovery.
I tried Creatine more than once but it did not work which is not uncommon as I read an article that said Creatine does not work for as much as 10% of the people who try it. I also talked to a personal trainer who said it did not work for him and also said it’s not uncommon for it not to work.
I get enough Proten as I have always improved to a strong enough level that satisfie me. But would more Protein or Glutamine help me recover faster between chest workouts?
How much are you eating dude? I had recovery similar to yours before I took a look at my diet and discovered I was undereating significantly. Had quite the healthy fat shortage and wasn’t taking in enough protein. I suggest you keep a food log (if you don’t already) to see if you are getting enough food.
Also, what is your sleep quality/quantity like? If it is poor I’d suggest working on improving that.
Either way, you are really going to need to post more details (full exercise regime, typical diet, years training, sleep etc.) in order for anyone to give you some useful help.