Hi guys,
i am currently on waterburys set rep bible,alternating it with 3x3.it works well.
now i want to specialize some groups of mine to grow.
In Waterbury’s locker i read,if you want to specialize during a whole body session,you should do rhe boy part first and up the volume about 30%.
´So my generall volume for my hypertr.phase is 36-50.
For my spec.parts i will choose a second exercise each train day (working out 3xper week) with a volume bout 24.
i know there exitst also the hypertrophy boosters,perfect 10 etc.-but this schedule fit my circumstances much better.
My question now is:
my arms need somke seriuous help.
For spec.on a group you should do them in the beginning of the workout.
But if i do my arms first-how will the fatigue influence my performance on the other exercises-or is this the price i have to pay?
Not possible making arm spec.at the end of the workout?
Suggestions are welcome,
If you want big arms, you have to load the hell out of them.
My favorite combo is heavy dumbell cheat curls supersetted with heavy weighted dips.
Start your workout with a light warm-up of pushups and curls. Do warmup sets until you feel your arms getting full of blood and heating up.
Then grab some heavy-ass dumbells and bang out as many curls as you can. If I hit failure, i have my workout partner slap me and yell at me to keep going! Its really painful. Then I run over to the dip bars, chain a plate or dumbell to my dip belt and do heavy-ass partial dips, I only go halfway down and it really puts crazy tension on the triceps. I bang out as many of these as possible and then run back to the dumbells and bang out some more heavy curls.
I usually do 5-6 sets like this of about 6-12 reps. By then end of the workout, my arms are toasted, so I can’t really do any more upper body work. I do chest/back/shoulders on a different day.
Besides training heavy and hard, I stick my arms with test injections after each workout. I know many debunk site-injections, but I think it works on a psychological level. Your arms are all pumped and veiny and looking like pythons, then you go and pump testosterone directly into your biceps…its an awesome rush…like sex, like arnold says in pumping iron “it feels like cumming!”
Your chest and back workouts will likely suffer a little if you prioritize arms, but who cares bro, its all about huge, fricken gunz… 21" cannons!
Good luck
-da Joozemonster.
You could try Waterbury’s Perfect 10 program, for arms, in addition to your regular workout. I followed it while doing Total Body Training and had great results
[quote]N. Robinson wrote:
You could try Waterbury’s Perfect 10 program, for arms, in addition to your regular workout. I followed it while doing Total Body Training and had great results[/quote]
There is no need for such complicated training routines. Making something complicated and fancy makes it look sophisticated to readers but doesn’t make it necessary or even good.
That ‘perfect 10’ routine looks like it might work, but why bother. My heavy supersets for arms works wonders without high-frequnecy or complicated set/rep schemes, multiple variations of exercises, etc, etc.
The muslces need to be OVERLOADED, period, end of story.
[quote]joozemonster wrote:
N. Robinson wrote:
You could try Waterbury’s Perfect 10 program, for arms, in addition to your regular workout. I followed it while doing Total Body Training and had great results
There is no need for such complicated training routines. Making something complicated and fancy makes it look sophisticated to readers but doesn’t make it necessary or even good.
That ‘perfect 10’ routine looks like it might work, but why bother. My heavy supersets for arms works wonders without high-frequnecy or complicated set/rep schemes, multiple variations of exercises, etc, etc.
The muslces need to be OVERLOADED, period, end of story.[/quote]
Perfect 10 is not that complicated. All you do is plug different exercises into the predetermined rep ranges. It also worked very well for me. I did perfect 10 for arms while doing ABBH and gained 3/4 of an inch the first month. Unfortunately i quit at that point because i couldn’t work out twice a day.
Woopdy-doo 3/4 inch. Try adding 7 inches to your arms. It took me 6 years, but it works. Heavy-ass weights and da jooze.
Hi guys-thank you for your input,i appreciated that ans will incorporate your ideas into my planning.
@jooze you are a freak-and this with passion;)