Soy Questions

I’ve just discovered that these protein bars from Costco contain soy protein isolate (in additin to milk protein and whey protein isolates). Do I need to throw these out? They’re 30gm of protein each, so that’s hard to give up.

Also, if I occasionally have Chinese food or stirfrys with a sause containing soy, am I significantly undercutting my progress?

Is soy to be avoided at all costs? Or is it enough not to use it as a staple in your diet?

soy protein isolate is fairly useless imo, but if you occassionally eat some it’s really no big deal. don’t freak out about avoiding soy, and you can actually eat fermented soy products like tempeh and miso fairly regularly.


soy protein has isoflavones but soy sauce doesnt.

It depends.
However,soy protein isolate is unhealthy and should gernerally be avoided because,during processing, it’s usually mixed with hexane, a petroleum solvent similar to gasoline.
I always tell vegetarians who are into bodybuilding to buy a whey or hemp protein powder because they’re more effective and are healthier.

[quote]Jinx Me wrote:
soy protein isolate is fairly useless imo, but if you occassionally eat some it’s really no big deal. don’t freak out about avoiding soy, and you can actually eat fermented soy products like tempeh and miso fairly regularly. [/quote]

That is right.
I’ve gone into detail on the whole soy issue before.
There is a difference between organic,fermented soy,which is mostly eaten by the asians,and soy protein isolate.

take some dark brown miso. mix and boil it in water. drop a couple eggs in it during boiling. shut off the heat. mince up some green onions and drop some ogo in it.


Which category does tofu fall into?? Is it ok to eat on a regular basis?