While I don’t agree with a few of the premises in the article (Like soy turning men gay) it is interesting to see that the light is being shed on the dangers of soy.
Where’s the link?
Ha…That might help.
Interesting article. I think he’s jumping to quite a few conclusions there, i.e. “soy makes males gay.” I would have loved to see some citations for some of the statements he made. I’d e-mail this article to my wife (she’s pregnant with our first child right now), but I don’t think this article stands up to much scrutiny.
“Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality.”
“Homosexuals often argue that their homosexuality is inborn because “I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t homosexual.” No, homosexuality is always deviant. But now many of them can truthfully say that they can’t remember a time when excess estrogen wasn’t influencing them”
I do think soy has adverse effects, but saying that it causes homosexuality can’t be right. How does it cause women to become lesbians, for example?
Besides, if I remember correctly, homosexual men were treated with test injections at one time and it only increased their sex drive.
And by the same logic of estrogen = gay, chemical castration should have turned homosexual men into some kind of super-gays…
[quote]drew6 wrote:
Interesting article. I think he’s jumping to quite a few conclusions there, i.e. “soy makes males gay.” I would have loved to see some citations for some of the statements he made. I’d e-mail this article to my wife (she’s pregnant with our first child right now), but I don’t think this article stands up to much scrutiny.[/quote]
Right, but the only leap he makes is that high estrogen in men = gay. The facts do seem to be in line with everything else in the article except for that little gem. ie - Soy formula WILL raise estrogen levels in your little boy.