[quote]AlteredState wrote:
Your rib pain is probably DOMS in your intercostals and your internal and external obliques.
You need a lot of rotational stiffness during sprinting and you also breathe extremely heavily.
Your foot pain may well be DOMS in the intrinsic muscles of your feet. There is a lot of explosive drive during sprinting and so the feet must ‘clench’ in order to provide a stable platform to spring off.[/quote]
Spot on the money with the rib analysis. Sandbag work will do the same thing.
[quote]hockechamp14 wrote:
Footwear wise, you’re better off getting track flats/ cross country flats than running shoes.
What kind of surface are you on?[/quote]
From my own experience I have to agree with this. I used to get sore feet all the time from doing sprints, but I was mainly running in running shoes. I recently got a pair of track flats and I haven’t felt any foot soreness since I started using them.