I’ve been seeing (and hearing) lots of stuff lately that just pisses me off. Heres some of them:
There was the time at my gym when there was some new guy trying to get in shape came to the gym, so naturally, since he doesn’t know anything about lifting, they send one of the trainers around with him to show him some exercises he should be doing. This guy was fat (300 pounds give or take). So this “trainer” has the guy doing Preacher curls!! The guy is fat beyond belief and you have him working his biceps?!?!?!
Lat pulldowns. IMO, if you do lat pulldowns, you might as well kill yourself because you have nothing left to live for. By doing lat pulldowns, you are saying to everybody in that gym “I’m a pussy, I’m too weak to do chinups or pullups, so I’m gonna sit here and do pulldowns, because I’m gay.”
I heard the STUPIDEST comment today. The sad thing is, it came out of my own father’s mouth. He had just finished eating this huge roast beef sandwich with every condiment known to man. And I said to him “aren’t you trying to lose weight?” (because he has one of those Gazelle things which he “works out” on every day pretty much for 45 minutes) And he says “yeah, why?” I said, “shouldn’t you try to change your diet around a bit?” His reply “I’ll just do the exercise. It works everytime. I don’t need to change my diet.” I was so disgusted to hear these words coming out of my own father’s mouth. I mean, I feel ashamed to live in the same household as him after making a comment like that. It was honestly, probably the/one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard in my life.
There is a saying that goes something like “one measure of a man is the things that make him angry”. (help, Mr. Cupcake?) Maybe you need to think about other things besides the gym, when you are not actually in the gym???
And I happen to do lat pulldowns from time to time. I weigh 235-240 pounds. I’ve got good lats. What the hell do you care what I do in the gym?
Yeah, the lat pulldown thing bugs me. I knew this guy who was really into lifting. He was stronger than me on a lot of lifts, but he showed me his back once and it was pathetic. He had zero lat spread. Well, guess what? I saw him lifting once and he did pulldowns. I suggested pullups to make his back bigger, but he didn’t believe me. Ok, whatever dude. You must be right, I can tell by how big your back is
You know what pisses me off? Vegans. Yeah. They piss me off. Unless it’s for religious purposes…but everyone else is just retarded. They say the stupidest things. They’re totally backwards with everything, too. They say meat is murder, yet eating a meat only diet kills less animals than a vegan diet, since their huge single crop farms are devastating to the environment (especially rice!) because it destroys animal habitat, uses pesticides heavily, depletes the soil, and relies on crude oil to make fertilizer. Oh yeah, don’t forget all the fuzzy animals that are living in those fields that are butchered by those huge harvesting machines. Hey, at least I kill animals for a purpose…they kill animals needlessly, NOT me. Bastards. They love to say fur is murder, yet a cotton coat kills 10 times more animals to make than a fur one because of the reasons I gave above. The ones that are trying to get rid of animal products should be shot. Hahaha, they think people were not meant to eat meat. What F’ing retards.
Yes! Thats another one. Vegans (and vegetarians) piss me off soooooooo much. For example, one time I was at this place and they had food there. There were like 20 people there and they made this biig HYOOGE pot of stew. There was ONE vegetarian there, as a result, to make her feel comfortable, they made a completely different HYOOGE pot of stew. I was so pissed. Yes, if you have the option of eating meat or not eating meat then go ahead, don’t eat meat. But if theres meat and meat only, don’t be a thorn in the host’s side by saying “ohhh, I don’t eat meat, do you have anything else?” and force the host the go back into the kitchen and make something else that doesn’t have meat. Dear Lord.
I’m with on on the vegetarian thing to some degree. I had this wonderful conversation on this subject the other day. It actually started with a woman telling me that I’m a bad man because my cat kills birds and I apparently don’t do enough to discourage this.
Hello, he’s a cat for God’s sake!!!
Anyway, it then moved on to her telling me why I’m a bad man because I eat meat. Now I listened to this for a little while and presented her with some valid nutritional arguments but finally it came down to me looking at her and saying:
So, I eat meat and that’s wrong. But you wear leather shoes and that’s okay. So what you’re saying is that killing animals for food is bad but killing them for decorative purposes is just fine. . .
She got a little upset and stormed off at that point. Funny how that argument always shuts them up.
Yup, many vegans tend to be hypocrits. It’s probably due to some sort of mental issues they have, be it guilt or whatever else.
Your story about your cat reminded me of something sick I remember reading on a vegan message board. Get this, these vegans think that they should feed cats PLANT FOODS, because it’s more ethical. What the F? They want to feed a PURE carnivore PLANTS? They think it’s ethical to kill the poor cat because eating animal products is wrong. These people are sick in the head. Not to mention vegans as a whole always seem to be confrontational and down-right mean.
Getting pissed because a guy isn’t fit enough to do pullups is about as brilliant as getting pissed at a guy in the hospital for being sick. Not everyone starts off strong enough to do even one pullup. You get more progress out of exercises you can do enough reps of in good form. If that means starting off with lat pulldowns so be it.
How fat is your dad? Does his Gazzelle thing keep him from being a tub of lard even if he doesn’t eat like a bodybuilder? I know a few people…OK, a lot of people that are just interested in staying relatively healthy while still enjoying things like food and drink. They don’t die any sooner than food and exercise fanatics for the most part as long as they do get some sweating done a few days a week.
I see the overfat people training weird little muscles all the time. The fat lady trying to tone her inner thighs on the abductor machine is laughable. My 19 year old daughter knows more about fitness than most of those “trainers” at the fitness centers. Personally I’d start them off walking on the treadmill on an increasing load/time/incline for a while and do some bodyweight box squats first before working them into a whole body routine but that’s just me. The “trainers” push them a bit too hard at first, they get DOMS and get discouraged and give up far more often than they make progress.
If it just takes a comment like that for you to be disappointed in your father you need to re-evaluate your priorities. Life is infinitely more than dieting and working out.
Of all the men that I’ve admired in my life, not one ever worked out and even knew what fructose was. They were too busy putting food on the table, teaching values and making the community a better place.
Chris, OVT calls for pulls downs and I pull down more than my own bodyweight since pull ups aren’t nearly as challengeing. I also do weighted pull ups with an X-Vest on. I won’t put that chain between my legs again though as I had an unfortunate problem doing them that way and would like to preserve my genitals for as long as possible. I understand your frustration though. Most people doing pull downs pull down about a quarter of thier own bodyweight for a total of 10 reps. They also act as though it is extremely difficult and do it with horrible form. I do agree though that some people absolutely can’t do a pull up and they should do chins and pull downs together until they can.
Sue me. I do lat pull-downs. Why? I weigh 320 pounds and I just started training this past April. I freely admit that I am not strong enough to do them. But, I’ve lost 20 pounds of fat, and can now bench, squat, and deadlift just above my bodyweight. 4 inches have vanished from my waist and I feel better than I have in years. Someday I will be able to do a pull-up. And then someday I’ll be able to do sets of them. But it doesn’t happen overnight. It’s taken me 3 months to get where I am, and though it might not be far to you, it’s miles for me. So please- leave the arrogance behind. It’s really shitty to look down your nose at people like that.
You know what I hate? People who use the squat rack to do barbell curls. I mean… why? They have all sorts of places in a gym where you can do curls, from cable machines to e-z bars to other places where they can use the Olympic barbell for curls. Stay out of the squat rack, please.
- I heard the STUPIDEST comment today. The sad thing is, it came out of my own father’s mouth. He had just finished eating this huge roast beef sandwich with every condiment known to man. And I said to him “aren’t you trying to lose weight?” (because he has one of those Gazelle things which he “works out” on every day pretty much for 45 minutes) And he says “yeah, why?” I said, “shouldn’t you try to change your diet around a bit?” His reply “I’ll just do the exercise. It works everytime. I don’t need to change my diet.” I was so disgusted to hear these words coming out of my own father’s mouth. I mean, I feel ashamed to live in the same household as him after making a comment like that. It was honestly, probably the/one of the stupidest comments I’ve ever heard in my life.
What pisses me off is people who don’t understand basic scientific principles and think they never everything.
First - give your dad a break. At least he’s trying.
Second - Basic law of thermodynamics: if calories expended > calories consumed, then you have weight loss. So, if someone consumes x amount of calories consisting of Big Macs and fries, then, assuming that person does not increase his caloric intake, begins an exercise program, that person will lose weight. Would it be more effective if that person changed his diet? Of course. Will the person get to 5% bodyfat eating Big Macs and fries? Of course not. But he will lose some weight.
People with no logical thinking skills piss me off.
“The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good”
~ Samuel Johnson
( A take on “how you treat the Waiter”…)
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
(I think this is what you were after)
“To measure the man, measure his heart”
~ Malcolm S. Forbes
(Sure he was rich but he was smart too)
“The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune”
~ Peter Nivio Zarlenga
Of course there are many more but these are in the general vein of your thought…
P.S Pull-Downs make sense when you are 230+ pounds, although I do both I can see why a 5 foot 6 guy who weighs 250 aint gonna do 'em…
I couldn’t pass this by without comment. Malcom was an awesome guy. He rode a Harley and was a party animal. How he ended up with a tight assed geek for a son (Steve Forbes) I have no clue. I guess it’s a genetic roll of the dice every time
Alright, I apologize, I came off as a big-time asshole posting this. Let me explain myself.
“Getting pissed because a guy isn’t fit enough to do pullups is about as brilliant as getting pissed at a guy in the hospital for being sick. Not everyone starts off strong enough to do even one pullup. You get more progress out of exercises you can do enough reps of in good form. If that means starting off with lat pulldowns so be it.”
I wasn’t specific enough. These are people that are obviously fit enough to be able to do pullups, they just choose to do pulldowns because they’re easier. If you can’t do a semi-controlled eccentric pullup then, go ahead, do pulldowns until you can start doing pullups. But if you’re obviously able to at least hammer out 3 pullups in one set then don’t do pulldowns.
“How fat is your dad? Does his Gazzelle thing keep him from being a tub of lard even if he doesn’t eat like a bodybuilder? I know a few people…OK, a lot of people that are just interested in staying relatively healthy while still enjoying things like food and drink. They don’t die any sooner than food and exercise fanatics for the most part as long as they do get some sweating done a few days a week.”
The point of this is that when you’ve been trying your hardest to explain to this person the importance of diet for the past year and then hearing a comment like this, you get quite frustrated and feel that your efforts have been completely fruitless.
“Sue me. I do lat pull-downs. Why? I weigh 320 pounds and I just started training this past April.”
Like I said before, this comment was directed at people that are able to do pullups but just don’t because pulldowns are easier. By the way, I commend you in your progress.
Wow, I apologize for stirring up so much dust. These were just some things that have irked me the wrong way lately. I posted this with more animosity than I had intended.
but there r times when u feel like smashing some one`s head bcoz of there shity attitude., there was this newbee who came to me for tips and all, when i advised him tht he should at least increase protien intake to respectable level of 150gm he fukin strted laughin at me and was in crowd wussing about my diet program.
if i see him in gym again i would fukin smash his head in the squat rack. these kinda guys really piss me off…