Some Squat Questions

This is CT’s answers to my questions

usertaken wrote:

  1. Does doing Lower Body ACTUALLY release more TEST and GH

CT wote:
Studies by sports scientists such as WJ Kraemer and Paavo Komi have indeed shown that free testosterone levels were higher after:

  • Sets of heavier lifting compared to higher reps lifting
  • The use of exercises involving a lot of muscle groups; they actually found that the more muscles are involved simultaneously, the greater is the post-workout level of free testosterone

NOW… It has also been suggested that the higher levels of FREE testosterone is NOT the result of an increase in testosterone production but rather in a diminished binding of the the existing testosterone.

We also need to note that cortisol production was also higher in the protocols producing a higher level of free testosterone.

Both of these “IFs” tell me that the effect of whole body growth supposedly due to an increase in anabolic hormone levels might be slim to none.

I’m not saying that squats, deadlifts, and the like are not superior exercises (they are) but I’m hesitant to play the hormonal card on this one.

As far as hGH release goes, higher density training (more volume, less rest) has been shown to have a greater impact.

usertaken wrote:
2) Is this release if so proven apply to the WHOLE BODY or just the muscle worked ?

CT wrote:
IF the hormonal changes associated with lower body training actually has a significant effect (which I’m still doubtful of) the effect would be systemic (affect the whole body) since testosterone is released into the blood and is free to attach itself to any tissue having androgenic receptors. HOWEVER a muscle that has just been worked is more sensitive to testosterone because of an increase in receptor sensitivity.

So the actual answer would be: it would affect the whole body, but with a more pronounced effect on the muscles that have just been tained.

usertaken wrote:
This is where my question lies can the lower body affect how much or how much better the upper body trains and grows ???

CT wrote
Yes, but not as much as many people think it does.

usertaken wrote:
Like one person said the Squat uses 65% of your muscle… if that is the case i do not understand why squats are not in all of the splits if they can affect.

CT wrote:
Careful here… yes the squat involves a lot of muscle groups (the deadlift actually involved even more) BUT a lot of these muscles are only acting as “fixators” or “stabilizers.” They are not prime movers. Yes, playing the role of fixator or stabilizer can lead to “some” growth stimulation, but a LOT less than when the muscle being worked acts as a prime mover or at leasts as a synergist.

this seems like a good post to ask this question since someone mentioned doing legs everyday (or almost):

i’ve heard that doing legs (but mainly calves) on the SAME day as doing biceps is a bad thing…something along the lines that blood flow is reduced to the biceps…could this concept be true? would there be any muscles that shouldn’t be worked simultaneously for any particular reason?

I read that squats or working the lower body accounts for 15% of muscle growth of the upper body. Read that in the 20 rep squats and milk program.