Some Hypertrophy Advice Please :)

Hello all who read this.
Ok so i am doing my 1st hypertrophy program in like 8-10 days.
Been doing str since i started properly 7 months ago before that i had 2 months of going with my mates doing random shit.

Age: 24
Weight: 96-98 kgs
Bodyfat: Clueless around 12-15% I THINK

1st my proposed nutrition program :

This is a ratio of 36/50/12.5 protein/carbs/fats,will be getting 12.5% of calories from good fats.I’m taking in roughly 2x my bodyweight in protein and the rest of my calories are from carbs. As i progress, i’ll adjust these ratios to meet my needs following JB’s massive eating protocall.

6:30- 2 scoops whey isolate in water
7:30- 5eggs/ 4 whites & 1 cup oatmeal
9:00- 6oz chicken breast, 1 cup brown rice, veggies
12:00-12oz chicken, sweet potato, salad w/o dressing
3:00- 4oz chicken or turkey & veggies
4:30 - 1/2 Serving of Surge in water
5:00- W/O — During workout 6g’s of BCAA’s from Biotest
6:00- 4 servings of amino acids & Sugary Drink ( gatorade) in water
6:30- 1 Serving of Surge
7:00- 6oz chicken breast, 1 cup white rice
8:00- Metabolic Drive Complete w/ 1/4 cup oats mixed in
9:00- repeat the 7pm meal
right before bed so like 10:45 or so… 4oz Beef w/ salad, OR substitue with protein shake w/ 1tbsp flaxseed oil)

Ok so if you can offer any advice on that cool, i THINK its ok but as i said 1st bulking so im new and i LIKE advice :slight_smile:

Ok training part, i have followed

Outlaw Strength and Conditioning – C.W.
Strength-Focused Mesocycle – C.W.
Push- Pull --TC

I have alternated between these 3 for the last 7 months.
Gone from
Bench -35Kgs
Squat- 60Kgs
Dead’s - wth were these :smiley:

At this moment i stand at:

Bench: 90kg *3
Back Squat:130kg *3
Frong Squat: 90kg *3
Deadlift: 100kg *3

Only learned Dls and Rdls like 2 months ago properly so have ALOt of work to do on Dls, Rdl’sim catching fast my legs far outstrip my upper body some reason.

So with those weights, i need a hypertrophy program…
If i were to define me, i’d rob Charles Poliquin’s definitions and call myself a definitive Fire Type.

Basically give me weight and intensity but leave out the volume!
I like CW’s stuff but i will take whatever is reccomended as i said i wish to start in 8-10 days putting in my order now for stuff.
All help appreciated as well as comments :slight_smile:
Will try get some pictures up for before and after for me more than any1 else :slight_smile:

So anyone want to start it off ??

You’re asking a pretty tall order of some of the T-Nation members here…

My advice in short would be …

a. DIET. If you are indeed following this then there are MANY great things about it. Great devotion here, good things will happen. HOWEVER, I think you’re taking in way too much protein. Between your food and supplements your hitting like 200+ grams of protein a day… unneccessary if you ask me.

b. TRAINING. Building for size is a tall task and it seems you’re up for it. As far as exercises go, take a look around. Play with them until you can build a program that fills you’re needs. That will the best route to go. Just remember stick with a program as long it is working for you and then switch it up. Things you should consider whenever building a program:

a. Sets
b. Reps
c. Load %
d. Rest Intervals
e. Time Under Tension

c. FLEXIBILITY. Something I hardly see people talking about around here. Simply put, put it in your program. It will increase your ROM in your lifts and help you get the most of all your hard work.

d. ON-GOING EDUCATION. Even if you JUST want to get jacked you have to consider going outside a Hypertrophy program. Do some reading. Look into periodization models and schemes. This is how real bodybuilders develop that ‘unattainable’ physic. Anything by Tudor Bompa is a good start. Periods look like this:

Anatomical Adaptation
Mixed Training
Maximum Strength
Muscle Definition

That should start you off…

200g of protein isn’t too much he weighs 215lbs. He should be getting at least that.

OP, you probably don’t need to go designing your own thing yet, but if you want to, read the articles below first.
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Nutrition For Newbies
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Nutrition for Newbies, Part 1
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Nutrition for Newbies, Part 2
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Training for Newbies, Part 1
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Training for Newbies, Part 2
TESTOSTERONE NATION - Supplementation for Newbies
TESTOSTERONE NATION - 7 Habits of Highly Effective Nutritional Programs
TESTOSTERONE NATION - How to Design a Damn Good Program, Part 1
TESTOSTERONE NATION - How to Design a Damn Good Program, Part 2

PozzSka… my mistake. I calculated it wrong. But if you look into his post he claims to have an intake of twice his bodyweight. That is definately way too much. We’re looking at about 430 grams of protein a day for a 215lbs person.

400g of protein ARE YOU JOKING !
Where you think my eggs are from :smiley:
Around 200-210 protein a week…
I have read all those links, i have the general idea of how to feed myself its just for hypertrophy thats throwing me.
As for programs CLUELESS im more of a follower than a leader :slight_smile:
SO if anyone could reccomend a good one be more than gratefull !
Cheers for the help though, appreciated.

Hypertrophy is 90% diet, 20% rest, and 10% workout. Make sure you are eating enough and getting enough sleep, and you will be growing.

[quote]DoubleSidedTape wrote:

Hypertrophy is 90% diet, 20% rest, and 10% workout. .[/quote]

And 100% you need a math class.

usertaken, it looks like you have a pretty good plan laid out…but I’m still confused about how much protein you’re eating each day. Personally I get about 320 g protein a day at a bw of 188, currently bulking up to 200. I haven’t had any issues yet.

If you have read all of those articles than you should know how to eat for gaining muscle mass.

Read them again.

[quote]DoubleSidedTape wrote:

Hypertrophy is 90% diet, 20% rest, and 10% workout. Make sure you are eating enough and getting enough sleep, and you will be growing.[/quote]

What a crock of shit.

Hypertrophy is not 90% diet or any of those other stats u put down.

U want hypertrophy?? then the most important thing is to lift weights (workout) not many people i know got jakked from eating perfectly while only putting 10% into lifting weights. U want to be big ? then i suggest lifting weights should be your #1 priority

Rest? another pet peeve of mine.Myself and alot of other people with kids or long working hours make great gains with only 4-5 hours sleep.Sleep is great when we can get it but saying u need 8-12 hours of sleep to grow is a bunch of bullshit.

Last but not least is my favourite pet peeve is good ol nutrition. I noticed the OP has written the following:

This is a ratio of 36/50/12.5 protein/carbs/fats,will be getting 12.5% of calories from good fats.I’m taking in roughly 2x my bodyweight in protein and the rest of my calories are from carbs. As i progress, i’ll adjust these ratios to meet my needs following JB’s massive eating protocall.

^^^ I feel sorry for this guy as he is measuring ratio’s of food down to a .5% ?? cmon man are u a competative bodybuilder preparing for the Mr universe competition?

Nutrition is important,i dont disagree with that but when people start getting calcualators out to find what ratio’s of carbs/fats/protein they should be getting just seems a little obsessive.

Protein powders and all other fancy supplements might work for u but not needed apart from after training if u manage to get 4-5 good meals a day.But protein powders are great if u are travelling or short on time.

Just focus on eating 4-6 meals a day without stressing over how much of this and that u need to eat,throw in some protein powder after u workout and u should be fine.

So mate just find a great program and eat what u want without being silly about it and hypertrohpy should be just around the corner.People just over complicate things when it comes to bodybuilding it seems.

King of Kings

12.5%…Jeeez…You should be getting 12.75%…:slight_smile:

[quote]DoubleSidedTape wrote:

Hypertrophy is 90% diet, 20% rest, and 10% workout. Make sure you are eating enough and getting enough sleep, and you will be growing.[/quote]

Your full of shit.

Geez… why do some people in here feel the urge to trash talk everyone the second they see a minor flaw or mistake in a post?

Here’s a nice little rule of thumb my mom taught me when I was about 5 years old: Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated.

Usertaken; Here’s some of Chad Waterbury’s work-out programs, which I’ve shamelessly stolen from the Beginner’s section (which doesn’t mean they’re for beginners only):

The Set/Rep Bible

Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy I

Anti-Bodybuilding Hypertrophy II

Strength Focused Mesocycle

SOB Training

Triple Total Training

Hybrid Hypertrophy

Waterbury Method

Total Body Training

Quattro Dynamo

Singles Club

Big Boy Basics

Outlaw Strength & Conditioning

The Art Of Waterbury

Personally I’ve used the ABBH which I liked a lot and I just started on the “Waterbury Method” as of today. Knock yourself out and read through those training methods and pick the one you think fits your needs. Good luck.