Solo Competition

Anybody have experience of entering a bodybuilding competition without any assistans i.e. someone to help with applying tan, oiling up etc?
If so, how did it go? Did you feel disadvantaged? Any tips?

BE organized. Have everything fiqured out in advance so there are no surprises. I have done this many times by myself. For the oil, see if you can reach around your back for the application. Use a hand mirror to check for even coats of whatever you use. I have found it helpful to use a product called Dream Tan. I apply it the nite before the contest and let it soak in over nite. Also sleep on old sheets so the oil won’t ruin good one or the motels. Then in the morning check for touch up areas. like elbows,knees etc. Mainly just think of all potential problems and have them covered . Extra copies of music, extra posing suit. Correct food, membership paid, etc. Practice using hand lotion and see if you can cover all areas of your back. Most motels have mirrors and use the hand mirror as well. Get thin latex gloves like what medical people use and these are the best for applying the dream tan. Ive never used any other product so can not advise. Good Luck and have fun-Valerie

Thanks, Valerie.