Sneed's Training and Nutrition Log


I’ve kept a log in an excel spreadsheet on google doc’s but I’m starting one on here now anyway so I can get some feedback or maybe point people to it if I progress as much as I hope. My writing is dry (almost as much as my sense of humor) so this log will be more about numbers than experience.


I’ve made good gains over the last year going from 190 lbs to 235’ish. Went from curling 30’s to 55’s and my bench went from 205 to 315 (1rm).I’ve put on more fat than I wanted but I think it’s acceptable for a guy who’s never actively tried to gain weight since he was 14. I’ve got some pic’s in my profile of me during the various stages of this bulk. Honestly I believe anyone who gives advice or talks smack should have pictures in their profile.

You won’t see any real leg work or cardio in my log. This is because I tore my ACL and meniscus in September. I will post my calorie count and nutritional macros for each work out day.


I’m looking to get to 250 lbs by February 1st. That’s about 15 lbs in 15 weeks. I’ll be looking to cut in March till June because I’d like to be leaner this summer. So thats pretty much the plan. Now on the to the hard work and eating that’ll take me there…

10/14/09 Chest

Bench Press 225x5 245x5 275x4
Incline Dumbell 60x8 105x7
Tricep Pushdown 60x8 70x8 115x6
Pec Dec 140x8 200x8 250x6

Leg drive in an issue on the bench because of my fucked up knee. And trying to manage the dumbbells is also a pain in the ass. But fuck it; gotta deal with it.

10/15/09 Back
at Retro Gym

Lat Pulldown 60x8 70x8 80x8
Seated Machine Row 140x8 190x6 235x6
Seated Shrug 180x6 180x6 230x6
Face Pulls 42 50 57 65 all for 8 reps

Workout was flat. Going to double the intensity tomorrow.

On the nutrition side:

cal 4,103

fat 159.4

carb 358.4

protein 301.6

10/17/09 Shoulder/Triceps
At Retro

HS Iso shoulder press 90x8 110x8 140x8 180x8
Front raises 20x8 25x8 30x8
Rear Delt on Pec deck 100x8 115x8 130x8
Tricep Pushdown forgot weight 3 sets by 8 reps
Close Grip Bench on Smith 135x8 185x8 225x6

cal 4,157

fat 133.9

carbs 401.3

protein 342.4

10/18/09 Biceps/high rep Back work
At retro

dumbbell curls 30,40,55 all for 8 reps
dumbell preacher curl 30lb 8x3
cable curl ramp up to unknown weight. to failure on last set
Lat pull down. Ramp up to failure for 10 reps
HS ISO row: 180,270,360 for 6 reps

Ate very unclean today. Pancakes and eggs for breakfast, tacos for lunch (4 big ones) and a home made ropa vieja with too much potatoes and bread for dinner. Overall too many carbs for the day. The breakdown is:

cal 4,541

fat 173.8

carb 451.7

protein 291.9

10/20/09 Chest
at college gym

Bench Press 255x3 270x3 285x3
Incline dumbell 60x8 105x4
HS Bench Press 180x6 270x6
pec deck 160x8 200x8 250x6
tricep pushdown 60x8 70x8 115x5

285x3 is a PR. I’m liking this 5/3/1 for the bench press. my incline dumbell was lower in reps because I ran out of gas on PR. Good workout overall.

cal 4,076

fat 164.2

carb 323.1

protein 345.9

10/21/09 Back/Biceps
at college gym

HS ISO pulldown 180x8 270x6 360x5
seated row 160x8 190x6 250x4 (grip failed)
facepulls 3 sets of forgotten weight
Dumbbell curls 25x8 35x8 60x6
preacher bumbell curl 30 x 8 (3 sets)

cal 4,091

fat 181.1

carb 318.6

protein 336.6

The log is on hold. Tweaked my wrist on Sunday and letting it recover. Even benching just he bar cause pain.

Just posted my entire log for the week and it’s gone. Fuck you new site layout!

I haven’t kept up on this log but of course that doesn’t mean I stopped training. I’ve been posting in the BOI threads.


I’m trying to stay in this but keep getting injured. Last time I was back from knee surgery. As I was rehabbing on my bicycle I collided into a pickup truck and injured my elbow. Took 3 weeks off and here I go again. This time I’m trying to video my top sets in the big lifts.

Bench Press 225x5, 245x5, 275x2 (couldn’t video because too many people. Felt like a toolbox
HS ISO Bench 180x6, 270x6, 380x6
Low Incline DB Press 85x8, 100x7


2nd chest workout since I’ve been back. Felt pretty good but not awesome:

Bench 225x5 245x5 275x4 (my PR is 275x7 so I’m closing in)
DB Bench 105 x 7
ISO Bench 380x6

I benched on the Olympic Platform for the 1st time. It’s wayyyy better than the 2 power cages for benching. The way the hooks are in our power cages, you lose all tightness unracking and reracking is hit or miss. Literally. I forgot to put the fucking DB bench on the incline. I think I was more focused on getting video set up than the bench. lol. Show’s I’m a newb at recording my lifts. The 8th rep almost made me uglier as gravity drove it to my face.



What a shitty workout. I was looking forward to this workout all day since I was going for a 1RM on bench. What a disappointment. I couldn’t even put up 315. I put that up not too long ago without much of a problem. The guy who usually spots me moved last week so I had a new spotter which totally fucked me up. I almost fucked up my shoulder in the process. The way he pulled the bar off the rack was totally uneven and it threw me off. By uneven I mean the right side was over chest while the left was still over my shoulder. Never again.

My other lifts sucked too.

Bench press 225x5 245x5 275x2 295x1 315 x nada
Incline DB Press 75x6 105x1 (wtf I have a video of me doing 100x7 a couple weeks ago. sucks!)
HS Iso Bench : 180x6 270x6 360x6 (struggled my ass off)

I usually eat lunch at 12:15 and workout at 1. Today I ate breakfast at 10 and only had a bottle of frappucino (wanted caffeine and sugar) before the workout. I hope that is the only reason I was so fuckin weak today. I should’ve got the 105 for at least 5 reps. I hardly got the 1.


1st time doing my new arm workout. I’m adding in more tricep work per C_C’s helpful critique. Not sure if I got the form right just yet. I took a video with my blackberry but the piece of shit just reset when I went to view it and it’s now lost.

Deadstop tricep extenion. 75 lbs 3x8 . Just trying to get the feel for it. Not so good yet.
PJR pullover 50x8, 75x8, 75x8 . These felt much better but not sure about form. I’ll post a vid next time.
DB curls 40x6 50x6 60x6
1 arm db preahcer curl 35x6 40x6

This was a short workout but I was kind of just testing the water with this. I think I’ll get a better feel for these exercises next time.

Shoulder day/Tricep day

1 arm OHP with dumbbells: 30x8 40x8 50x6 60x5 (my left arm is at least 10 lbs weaker than the right)
CGP in Smith: 135x8 185x6 225x4 (the fucking machine broke on 225 . Piece of shit. did some free weight cgp)
Standing BTN Press: bar x 2, 65x8 95x8 ( I can do way more but it was my 1st time so I was extra careful)
Lateral raises: 20x8 25x8 35x6

Back Day:
Lat pulldowns 100x8 120x8 140x8 200x6
HS ISO Row 180x8 270x6 360x6
HS Low RO2 90x8 180x8 230x8 (new exercise for me. gym just got one. I love it!)
1 arm seated cable row 3 sets of ???

Got home later on grilled up some meat for the week and did some pullups on a pullup station I built in my backyard. My goal is 20 pullups from a dead hang by end of summer. Got 7 today:

Chest day

Bench: 225x6, 245x5,275x3, 295x1
DB Incline: 75x6, 100x6, 105x4 (I’m happy with this. Last week couldn’t get 105 up for even 1 rep)
HS ISO bench: 180x6 , 270x6, 360x4

My overall strength doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Although my DB incline killed last week, my barbell bench didn’t move in 3 weeks. I think this has to do with my aggressive weight loss goal. I weighed in at about 225 this morning. Losing 2 lbs a week by cutting carbs.

This morning my intake looked like this:

9am: 1000 cals 90 carbs, 30 fat,90 protein (egg and cheese sandwich, 16 oz milk, 1 scoop whey, greek yogurt)

12:30pm 500 cals 35 carbs, 15 fat, 52 protein (6oz grilled chicken salad, ranch dressing, apple , 4oz of OJ)

1pm Workout
2 pm 12 oz OJ , 2 scoops whey


deadstop extensions 45x8 75x8 85x5

PJR’s 60x6 75x5 75x5

DB Curls 30x8 40x6 50x6 60x5

Preacher DB 35x6 40x6 45x4

1-10-10 work

Pullups 3x5
lat pulldown 120x6 140x6 160x6
rope pullup 4,3
LF row 150x6 170x6 190x5
DB curl 30x10 35x10 40x6

1-13-10 work

1 arm DB OHP 30x8 40x6 50x6 60x3
machine press 3 sets
lateral raise 20x6 30x6 35x4
face pulls 3 sets
rear delt machine 3 sets

I did not know you kept a log, nice to see one though. I’ll be following.

[quote]DoveofWar08 wrote:
I did not know you kept a log, nice to see one though. I’ll be following.[/quote]

Thanks man. Yeah, I used to keep everything on google docs. I’m going to start copying and pasting stuff on here as well.

Chest AM:

Bench Press 225x5 245x5 265x5 275x1
HS ISO wide: 2ppsx6 3ppsx5 4ppsx5
pec deck: 3 sets
tricep rope pushdown: 4 sets

felt good.

Need to catch up:

1/20/11 back

pullups 5x5
pulldowns 120x8 140x6 160x6 180x5(bad form)
ghey LF machine row 150x6 170x5 190x5 210x3
DB curls 30x8 45x8
another bicep exercise. fuckin can’t remember which.

1/21/11 Shoulders/triceps

1 arm DB press 30x8 40x6 50x6 60x5
HS Shoulder press 3x8 light weight
Machine laterals 3x8
rear delt machine 3x8
Smith machine CGBP (bar=0) 90x8 130x8 180x6 235x5

Some leg rehab afterwords. Work out felt gooood.


light back/biceps

HS ISO row 2arm: 2ppsx8 3ppsx6 4ppsx4
1 arm cable row: 3 sets
Close grip underhand pulldown: 3 sets of 6
Life Fitness 1 arm curl machine: ramp to stack for 6 reps

Was going to take the day off but settled for a light work out instead.

1/25/11 Chest

Bench Press 225x5 245x5 270x4 (easy. would’ve gone for more but no spotter)
HS Iso wide bench 2ppsx8 3ppsx6 4ppsx6
pec deck 3 sets
dips 6 reps
tricep rope 3 sets

Decent workout. Hopefully I can squeeze in another in the basement tonight.


DB Curl 30x6 40x6 50x6 60x4
DB Preacher 35x6 40x6 45x6 50x5
LF curl machine 2 sets
Tricep rope pushdowns 3 sets
DB PJR pullovers 65x6 80x6

EZ curls 70x8, 80x6, 90x6 100x6 110x6
skullcrushers 70x8,80x8,90x8