I haven’t kept up on this log but of course that doesn’t mean I stopped training. I’ve been posting in the BOI threads.
I’m trying to stay in this but keep getting injured. Last time I was back from knee surgery. As I was rehabbing on my bicycle I collided into a pickup truck and injured my elbow. Took 3 weeks off and here I go again. This time I’m trying to video my top sets in the big lifts.
Bench Press 225x5, 245x5, 275x2 (couldn’t video because too many people. Felt like a toolbox
HS ISO Bench 180x6, 270x6, 380x6
Low Incline DB Press 85x8, 100x7
2nd chest workout since I’ve been back. Felt pretty good but not awesome:
Bench 225x5 245x5 275x4 (my PR is 275x7 so I’m closing in)
DB Bench 105 x 7
ISO Bench 380x6
I benched on the Olympic Platform for the 1st time. It’s wayyyy better than the 2 power cages for benching. The way the hooks are in our power cages, you lose all tightness unracking and reracking is hit or miss. Literally. I forgot to put the fucking DB bench on the incline. I think I was more focused on getting video set up than the bench. lol. Show’s I’m a newb at recording my lifts. The 8th rep almost made me uglier as gravity drove it to my face.
What a shitty workout. I was looking forward to this workout all day since I was going for a 1RM on bench. What a disappointment. I couldn’t even put up 315. I put that up not too long ago without much of a problem. The guy who usually spots me moved last week so I had a new spotter which totally fucked me up. I almost fucked up my shoulder in the process. The way he pulled the bar off the rack was totally uneven and it threw me off. By uneven I mean the right side was over chest while the left was still over my shoulder. Never again.
My other lifts sucked too.
Bench press 225x5 245x5 275x2 295x1 315 x nada
Incline DB Press 75x6 105x1 (wtf I have a video of me doing 100x7 a couple weeks ago. sucks!)
HS Iso Bench : 180x6 270x6 360x6 (struggled my ass off)
I usually eat lunch at 12:15 and workout at 1. Today I ate breakfast at 10 and only had a bottle of frappucino (wanted caffeine and sugar) before the workout. I hope that is the only reason I was so fuckin weak today. I should’ve got the 105 for at least 5 reps. I hardly got the 1.
1st time doing my new arm workout. I’m adding in more tricep work per C_C’s helpful critique. Not sure if I got the form right just yet. I took a video with my blackberry but the piece of shit just reset when I went to view it and it’s now lost.
Deadstop tricep extenion. 75 lbs 3x8 . Just trying to get the feel for it. Not so good yet.
PJR pullover 50x8, 75x8, 75x8 . These felt much better but not sure about form. I’ll post a vid next time.
DB curls 40x6 50x6 60x6
1 arm db preahcer curl 35x6 40x6
This was a short workout but I was kind of just testing the water with this. I think I’ll get a better feel for these exercises next time.
Shoulder day/Tricep day
1 arm OHP with dumbbells: 30x8 40x8 50x6 60x5 (my left arm is at least 10 lbs weaker than the right)
CGP in Smith: 135x8 185x6 225x4 (the fucking machine broke on 225 . Piece of shit. did some free weight cgp)
Standing BTN Press: bar x 2, 65x8 95x8 ( I can do way more but it was my 1st time so I was extra careful)
Lateral raises: 20x8 25x8 35x6
Back Day:
Lat pulldowns 100x8 120x8 140x8 200x6
HS ISO Row 180x8 270x6 360x6
HS Low RO2 90x8 180x8 230x8 (new exercise for me. gym just got one. I love it!)
1 arm seated cable row 3 sets of ???
Got home later on grilled up some meat for the week and did some pullups on a pullup station I built in my backyard. My goal is 20 pullups from a dead hang by end of summer. Got 7 today:
Chest day
Bench: 225x6, 245x5,275x3, 295x1
DB Incline: 75x6, 100x6, 105x4 (I’m happy with this. Last week couldn’t get 105 up for even 1 rep)
HS ISO bench: 180x6 , 270x6, 360x4
My overall strength doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Although my DB incline killed last week, my barbell bench didn’t move in 3 weeks. I think this has to do with my aggressive weight loss goal. I weighed in at about 225 this morning. Losing 2 lbs a week by cutting carbs.
This morning my intake looked like this:
9am: 1000 cals 90 carbs, 30 fat,90 protein (egg and cheese sandwich, 16 oz milk, 1 scoop whey, greek yogurt)
12:30pm 500 cals 35 carbs, 15 fat, 52 protein (6oz grilled chicken salad, ranch dressing, apple , 4oz of OJ)
1pm Workout
2 pm 12 oz OJ , 2 scoops whey