Snatch Pull vs Clean Pull?

Hey all, quick question.

I run a 3 day a week variation of 5/3/1 where I Squat on Monday, Bench on Wednesday, and Deadlift and OHP on Friday. Currently, I power snatch prior to squatting and power clean (no jerk) prior to deadlifting.

I’ve been trying to figure out a power lift to do prior to benching on Wednesdays. After doing a little experimentation, I’ve decided I like high pulls. I just can’t decide whether to do them snatch grip or clean grip. Right now I’ve been alternating every week. Which one would be better at hitting any holes in my program, or at helping my both my snatch and clean?

Here is my full schedule, in case that makes a difference.

Squat 5/3/1
Bent Over Rows
High Rep press accessory SS ab work

High Pull
Bench 5/3/1
Pull Ups
High Rep leg accessory SS ab work

Deadlift 5/3/1
Press 5/3/1
High Rep pull accessory SS ab work


Don’t do clean grip high pulls. Snatch high pulls are going to be better if you’re just looking for an explosive movement. Either that or do heavy clean low pulls.

With a clean grip you will have the tendency to use the arms more which is NOT what we want and which will lead to “shoulder” issues (really an inflammation of the biceps tendon).

A snatch grip will make it easier to focus on launching the barbell with the legs, back and traps.

CT and nkl…thank you guys so much. That’s exactly the type of advice I needed. I’ll cut the clean pulls and keep it snatch grip high pulls.

[quote]breakingiron wrote:
CT and nkl…thank you guys so much. That’s exactly the type of advice I needed. I’ll cut the clean pulls and keep it snatch grip high pulls. [/quote]

Anyway, a high pull isn’t a natural lift for someone not used to explosive lifting, so better focus on one variation and master it.

[quote]Christian Thibaudeau wrote:

[quote]breakingiron wrote:
CT and nkl…thank you guys so much. That’s exactly the type of advice I needed. I’ll cut the clean pulls and keep it snatch grip high pulls. [/quote]

Anyway, a high pull isn’t a natural lift for someone not used to explosive lifting, so better focus on one variation and master it.[/quote]

That makes a ton of sense. Thanks again for the advice CT.