[quote]Invictica wrote:
I squat raw hams to calves.
I’m doing the intense mesocycle now.
It’s good for increasing your squat.
However, assuming you are an olympic lifter, since you squat olympic style, your time and energy is better spent practicing your CJ and Snatches.[/quote]
I’m not an Olympic lifter. I train for body composition purposes. This includes staple movements like C&J and Snatching variations as well as pressing, squatting, etc…
However, I currently have a shoulder injury after a bad spot/mishap on the bench press…
original thread
I can’t safely press/pull for several more weeks(TBD).
My ROM is ok to squat, though.
In the meanwhile and as I rehab/recover, i’m starting Smolov(Base cycle day 1 today).
What I was(still trying here) to determine was the efficacy of using Smolov for the full squat(rock bottom…oly-style…atg).
I see that Modi, undesired08, and a bunch of others are doing/have done smolov but not with full squats(I don’t see anything wrong with that, just a personal preference).
I guess what I’m trying to find out is…
Can Smolov be used successfully with full squats WITHOUT sacrificing ROM and the intended gains of the macrocycle?
Alternately…is the intensity of smolov(3-4x a week squatting) compatible with the already high difficulty(stress) of full squatting?
Could you please post/link video of your Smolov experience as a concrete example to help me answer the above questions for myself?
I will post a video of day 2 base cycle on wednesday night to try to clear up any confusion about how i’m squatting.
Thanks much invictica.