Hey all,
I’ve been lurking the shit of this site for years (10-ish) and wanted to start getting more involved. I’m 31 years old and have been lifting since I was 16, but only “for real” for the past 4 or 5 years. I’m currently on a 5/3/1 rotation (between that, DoggCrapp and variations) and I’m close to being the strongest I’ve ever been.
Height: 5’6"
Weight: 192
Squat Max: Using 450
Deadlift Max: Using 550
Bench Max: Using 405
I know my squat sucks in comparison to my other lifts. I’d make excuses, but that’s all they’d be: excuses. I plan to work on that and push it extra hard to get it up to speed.
I’m sitting at somewhere around 15% BF, so I’ve started some walking on off days (on an empty stomach in the morning) to lose some of that without hurting my lifts.
I’ll be posting the last 4 work outs I did here in the next couple days and will be working out again on Wednesday. I work as a paramedic, so I lift weights on the days I have off. I’m also a new father, so I’m pretty busy.
I’ll post a video or two, as well. Anything in particular that I should record?
My goals are to get a 500+lb Squat, rep 405 for 5 on bench, and pull 600lbs by the time I’m 33. So, I’ve got about 18 months.
I’m trying to be realistic, but if I can do it sooner, all the better.