Sleep Requirements

ok so all of us T-men need to get 8hours of sleep if we want to maximize our strength and size gains right? but is it really a requirement? Matt Kroc who is a well known Powerlifter is known to sleep about 3-4 hrs per night. I heard that big Ronnie only got about 6hrs of sleep/night (wasnt he one of the only pros who kept a day job while being a pro BBer?) I’ve also read that Professor X while in school slept minimally as well.

I bring this up because im at a point here where i think it might be benefical to my grades to spend a couple extra hours at night studying, rather then sleep for my usual time which is usually like 7 hours on most weekdays

so how much sleep do we need? im guessing its personalized to the indivdual but any info/experience you guys have with this topic would be sweet.


Dude, your grades are more important than a slight difference in gains. You’re not making a living lifting.
On that note, I’ve put on a lot of weight and strength since school started and I’ve been getting about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. I may have made even better gains had I slept more, but the point is that restricted sleep won’t completely halt gains; it may hinder them.

I’m just starting out though, so I can’t speak for people at that level where gains come very slowly.
Good luck and keep your grades up.

Not that you need more examples but Beauer talks about how he gets very minimal sleep almost every day as well in his thread in the T-Cell.

My gains have slowed down considerably since I started school again…and lost at least 3hrs of sleep a night :S so I do think it makes a difference for certain people.

ur body is an adapting machine , u’ll be tired for a few days then u’ll be ok. grades are more important for a bright future. good luck

if I dont get at least 7 hours sleep every night I get really short tempered and hard to deal with. The guys at work always know when I didnt sleep.

I like 7-8 but I remember reading somewhere that younger kids like high school people actually need like 9-10. I only remeber this because there was no way I was getting that much sleep in high school.

The amount of sleep I need depends more on mental and emotional stress levels, than hard workouts.

If I had my way I would sleep 9-10 hours every night right now, it’s department budget revision time for 2009 projections and I’m stressing big time.
yesterday’s ME lower day sucked ass as a result.

so for me, getting the studying done would reduce stress and make rest more restful.
just my opinion…

[quote]GrindOverMatter wrote:
ok so all of us T-men need to get 8hours of sleep if we want to maximize our strength and size gains right? but is it really a requirement? Matt Kroc who is a well known Powerlifter is known to sleep about 3-4 hrs per night. I heard that big Ronnie only got about 6hrs of sleep/night (wasnt he one of the only pros who kept a day job while being a pro BBer?) I’ve also read that Professor X while in school slept minimally as well.

I bring this up because im at a point here where i think it might be benefical to my grades to spend a couple extra hours at night studying, rather then sleep for my usual time which is usually like 7 hours on most weekdays

so how much sleep do we need? im guessing its personalized to the indivdual but any info/experience you guys have with this topic would be sweet.


Hmm, massive eating/hi protein seems to allow people to overcome sleep deficit to some degree . You still need to sleep, but not 8 hours (shit, I wake up after 3-5 hours without being able to fall asleep again, don’t think I’ve ever gotten more than maybe 6 hours total a night since I started eating a lot and training for seriously… Unless I ate way too little the days prior. That slight-moderate lack of sleep doesn’t seem to affect me negatively, though not sleeping at all or only getting like 2 hours makes me feel like shit).

if i didn’t get enough sleep (minimum 7 hours straight) i would probably end up killing myself accidentally with free weights during my workouts

interesting replies, im cutting my sleep back to 6 hrs and we’ll see how it affects me. Ill try and up my protien intake as well

For me 8 hours I feel good or great
6 hours I feel ok for most of the day put start really slowing down around 7pm
Less than 6 hours and my day is a nightmare
ie) I get depressed, think of suicide and everything inbetween.

Am I the only one here who always sleeps over 12 hours a day if I don’t have a reason to get up early? Must be some kind of a teenage thing.

Didn’t someone on another thread mention that Flex would often get 16 hours?

I prefer sleeping 10 hours if I can. I can get up after 4 hours but then I need like a 3-4 hour nap later in the day.

[quote]GetTheHIT wrote:
Didn’t someone on another thread mention that Flex would often get 16 hours?[/quote]

Would he wake up every few hours and eat?

I don’t think I could sleep that long if I tried without serious sleep deprivation. He must have smoked tons of weed.