Ater reveiwing most of the messages on this site, it seems that alot of guys are more concerned about being cut up instead of being huge.I see guys here with sizes of 165 lbs and saying how cut they are.I remember everyone getting on Nelson Montana when they saw his real self and put him down for being small. What is more important here, being cut or being huge.(I don’t mean fat).I for one like to be freaky huge, right now I am at 242lbs,6’,10%bf.I plan on continuing until I can’t go no further.
Music: You PROBABLY are going to get an overall similar response; it boils down to personal preference. My aim is for full, mature looking muscles and symmetry. A bodyfat that allows me to see my abs and Serratus. Size, but not what I call “huge”.
Musicman, I’d say you’re pretty freaky huge big dog! I’m one of the cutup, 160# guys–but I’m also 6’. Although I’ve been calipered at less than 5% and registered at 4% on Bioelectrical, I would guesstimate I’m more in the 6-7 range. I don’t know about other guys like myself, but there’s also a mental barrier to overcome when it comes to adding size. That goes beyond the scope of a simple post though (and I expect to draw some criticism). I aspire to get rather large and in charge, but I prefer to be patient and take my time…I’m in this for the long-haul and I’m able to continue to learn endless things about my body, training and nutrition. Like my man the Lion King, I prefer to be able to see most of the goods…it’s pretty damn awesome to see some of the striations and muscle fibers all over the place.
I’m not that big and not that cut but I know that I look a lot better at 180# (~13%) than at 190# (~18%).
In the past my primary goal was to get huge. However, once I got over 200lb (I’m 5’9"), I realized that being “huge” was not going to be conducive to my other interests: martial arts, rock climbing, gymnastics, and women. In addition, I’m entering a profession where it’s not a good idea to look too “freaky.” So, my new goal is to get down to a lean 185lb and focus on building strength and power.
Im perfectly content with being around ten percent bodyfat. My main goal is to be big. Right now im around 230 at six foot tall. My goal is 240. As long as i can see my abs in the right light im content.
I lift for aesthetics. For the ladies, if you will. I in no way would ever want to be as big as you (but damn I have to give you props on getting that big). And most girls just don’t like it. i prefer the underware model look, sure most of em are gay, but hell, they could get what ever peice of ass they wanted.
As it’s been said many times before: It’s all about looking good naked. I guess it’s personal preference as to if looking good naked means being 6’, 240# and 15% bodyfat, or if it means being 6’, 200# and 8% bodyfat. I’ve been both, and all of the women who got to see me naked definitely liked the more “fit” look instead of the “huge” look. I hate to say it, but the Shawn Phillips physique wins over the women every time…
My goal is 215 with visible abs. I’m about 6’2" so I should still be able to get around ok. I ride horses, and hunt, and ski so having strength but not being too huge fits in with my lifestyle better.
I’ve already hit 215 but I’m cutting down (about 208 now)for yet another run at adding muscle. One day last month my wife was picking me up at the gym. I came out wearing a tank top because I was still plenty warm from the workout. She watched me walk across the parking lot and when I got into the truck she said “You’re big enough”. So i’ll sneak in a bit more muscle and lose a bit more fat and I’ll be good to go.
At 6’3" I was 247 pounds of “fat bastard” 38" waist, 15" arms when I started. Now I’m at 201 (as of an hour ago) with 17.5" arms and 34"waist and genetically decent shoulders and traps. I’d say that my goal is 225 with visible abs, then I’ll probably want to go bigger, but I LIKE people noticing change. I want to not be embarrassed to off my shirt in front of ANYONE. I ain’t there yet. I figur I need another 40 pounds of meat to reach my goals. I’ve only been training for 1.5years so I think that’s attainable.
Well, being what I would call a natural ectomorph seeing as how I started training at about 155lbs at about 6’1", Id have to say my initial goal was to get reallllly big. Most of us blessed/cursed with race horse metabolisms dont put on much of the chub so I was obviously a lean muscleless 155lbs. Ive been as heavy as 235lbs around 13% and now hover around 220 with 9%. Id say I have found a happy medium between being big and lean. (I wont say no to a few more lbs though since at my height i can carry it) I personally dont see the point of being big just in a sweatshirt…every gym has tons of those guys. They never wear a tshirt or shorts even. Mind you if you fear a squat rack like most do, your not gonna be too proud of your legs anyways.
Hell no I love squats. I start the week off with legs and enjoy getting the sick feeling of beating the shit out of my legs. (self abuse)
I am 6-5, 267@11-13%bf. I have a lot of trouble mentally dealing with getting smaller while trying to cut up. I guess my theory is if I gain muscle my bodyfat goes down. Plus, it is all about how you look in the mirror. I was 6-3, 150@6% when I got out of high school 10 years ago and didn’t have visible abs at all. My abs are actually more visible now at a higher body fat. I think I just carry it differently now. I am very happy about gaining 117 pounds in 10 years while only going from a 32 inch waist in my jeans to a 36 inch waist in my jeans, and the only reason I need the 36 inch waist is to get the jeans over my legs. I buy the loose fit and they fit me like a normal pair fits a normal guy. I love getting bigger!