I was wondering has anyone noticed increased hypertrophy while going for 5 rep maxes instead of 1-3 rep maxes? Or does it make little difference?
Is your question whether or not you can build muscle with sets to failure of 5 better or worse than 1-3 rep sets?
Yes thats what I meant.
you’ll be fine
[quote]jp_dubya wrote:
you’ll be fine[/quote]
idk if this is supposed to be humorous but this had me laughing pretty good.
It all depends on the CONTEXT of the entirety of your lifting routine…
What does the rest of your routine look like? How often are you going for these maxes? Are you using any other rep ranges? Assistance exercises? etc…
What does it even mean to “go for 5 rep maxes”?? Once a month? Once ever 12 weeks? Once a workout? Every single day?
What does the workout that leads to the 5 RM look like? What else do you do in addition to the 5RM?
Do you see why this question is basically meaningless?
Though the recommended rep range for hypertrophy is 8-12, I’ve seen growth working within the strength increase rep range mentioned above. It all depends on whether you’re fast twitch or slow twitch dominant.
Of course, don’t neglect the advice given above. There are MANY factors besides rep range that factor into growth potential. To try to reap the most benefit, use a variety of rep ranges on appropriate exercises. For example, work within a 3-5 rep range on your main compound lift (bench, squat, deadlift, etc.), an 8-12 rep range on semi-isolation work (machine based exercises, rows, pull ups, arm work, etc.), and maybe a 15-20 rep range exercise as one of your pump/finisher movement.
Honestly just look at it this way: if you put a muscle under enough stress no matter how many reps that is, it will not have a choice but to breakdown and come back bigger.
so just work hard./
In the wsb4sb Defranco says work up to a 3 or a 5 rep max. I was wondering would it be more beneficial for size to go for a 5 rep max instead of a 3 rep max.
[quote]Vladamir wrote:
In the wsb4sb Defranco says work up to a 3 or a 5 rep max. I was wondering would it be more beneficial for size to go for a 5 rep max instead of a 3 rep max. [/quote]
It says this because you can’t always accurately predict how many reps you will get with a certain weight. You might get 3,4, or 5. As long as it’s in this range, you are fine. If you do a set and get to 5 reps and you think you could get another, rack it, add a few pounds, and do another set.
Don’t get caught up in weather you should go for 3 or 5 reps. This is your strength work. The hypertrophy will come from the assistance work.
[quote]Chris87 wrote:
Don’t get caught up in weather you should go for 3 or 5 reps. [/quote]
This made me giggle. Read it as “Don’t get caught up in weather; you should go for 3 or 5 reps”.
Everything works (well, most methods), but nothing works forever. If you have been training in the 1-3 range and are now asking whether you should switch to 3-5 your progress has probably slowed down, in which case the change on stimulus for adjusting the rep range may well do you good.
As an injury prone ectomorph with no intentions of competing I find 3 rep max’s work well for me. You will build muscle if the volume is high enough. Prelepins chart is a helpful guide.
If you are encountering difficulty in writing your own program then 5/3/1 is very easy to use and will make you bigger and stronger without fail, if you do BBB.
[quote]hungry4more wrote:
[quote]Chris87 wrote:
Don’t get caught up in weather you should go for 3 or 5 reps. [/quote]
This made me giggle. Read it as “Don’t get caught up in weather; you should go for 3 or 5 reps”.[/quote]
Damn it lol