I’m looking to increase my size and strength as much as possible over the next 4 months. I’m new to weight lifting and I have access to dumbbells, weighted vest, flat bench and a pullup and dip tower.
I’ve been using my workout below for 2 weeks and I would like some advice on anything to add/remove/change to the workout.
Week 1. 5 sets x 5 reps
A1 dumbbell squat (quads)
A2 double dumbbell swings (hamstrings)
B1 1 arm bench press (horizontal push)
B2 1 arm bend over row (horizontal pull)
Should I change each workout to
a quad exercise
a hamstring exercise
a vertical push exercise
a vertical pull exercise
a horizontal push exercise
a horizontal pull exercise
No worries, you have more than enough equipment to make great gains, you just need to get a bit more creative.
For lower body you can do the following exercises to up the intensity a bit:
-pistols w/weight vest
-single leg deadlifts with DBs
-alternating jump lunges
-single leg DB snatch (1 or 2 DBs)
-Sprints, mainly out to 30-50M
For the upper body, it all depends on how heavy those DBs go. I’m going to assume they’re light, so here’s the exercises I’d stick to:
-weighted pull ups (grip varies)
-sternum chin ups
-weighted dips
-weighted push ups (position varies)
If it were me, I’d do a routine something like this:
Pistols, 3-4 sets x 6-10 reps
SL DLs, 3-4 sets x 6-10 reps
Pull Ups, 3-4 sets x 6-10 reps
Dips, 3-4 sets x 6-10 reps
Alternating Lunge Jumps, 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps
SL DB Snatches, 3-4 sets of 3-6 reps
Sternum Chin Ups, 2-3 sets of near failure
Elbows Tucked Push Ups, 3-4 sets x 8-12 reps
Sprints, 5-10 sets of 30M
Walking Lunges, 3-4 sets x 8-12 reps
Wide Grip Chin Ups, 3-4 sets of near failure
Elbows Flared Push Ups 3-4 sets x 6-10 reps
I don’t know exactly what you have to work with, but a routine similar to this should work if you’re a beginner. How big are you and how heavy of DBs do you have?
Okay, if that’s the case then you have plenty of weight to use for upper body exercises. If you want, you can substitute DB lifts for some of the upper body lifts I recommended. Good luck.