I have a couple of exercise Q’s. Has anyone used Sissy Squats with any success in quad size? It’s where you hold a plate on your chest, and while holding onto something lean way back and point your knees to the floor and then returning upright. I squat and leg press and lunge but I’m looking for exercises that really target the quads. Also, I read somewhere on here that dumbbell bent press is an awesome exercise but I’m clueless as to how to perform it properly.
Anyone help?
Sissy squats are good if you can do them correctly. I find Ian King’s one legged squats easier to teach as well as more effective. The bent press is simply a one armed shoulder press…the bent comes in because it becomes necessary to lean to the side as the weight gets heavier.
Franco Columbu used to squat with his legs ~6 inches apart and I think that really targets the quads…