First, I hope I’m doing this right. It’s my first time posting anything here.
Now, some background. I used to weight 132 pounds this past summer. I’m 5’7", and tired of being so skinny. I wanted to train but there aren’t really any gyms nearby. So, I got my hands on a pair of adjustable dumbbells and started training with them 3x a week. I started implementing better eating habits, eating 4 good meals a day. I didn’t go straight into a bulk because I think that establishing good eating habits should come first. I saw some decent gains, went from 132 to 142 pounds! The heaviest I had EVER been in my entire life. I was pumped. Granted, my training wasn’t amazing, and with the dumbbells I couldn’t do much, but I tried my best.
Sadly, September came, and hurricane Irma hit us. All my food went bad, and although I wasn’t starving, my diet was not stellar. Two weeks or so after it, Hurricane Maria hit us. That put me out for nearly two months. I couldn’t train and, again, I wasn’t starving but I wasn’t eating in a calorie surplus.
Finally, I went to work after a month, money was coming in and I was able to buy some food. But there was no electricity, so the diet was lacking. (I’m in Puerto Rico, at least half the island has no electricity still.) Electricity came back, I had running water, I was working normally and everything seemed to be back on track. I got my hands on a bench, some weight plates, and 2 bars, one of those ez curl. But I got sick, with mono, Saturday Nov 11. So, obviously I couldn’t train. That week before Saturday was awful and do was always tired, and the week after I went to the hospital was awful too.
I was feeling better, and started working out last week. Going 2x a week because I read that I should wait at least a month before doing strenuous work (running, combat sports, weightlifting, etc). I’ve been eating better,but every now and then I feel a little sick, and, well, I’ll try to put this the best way I can: sometimes, in a single day, I have to go to the bathroom more than once to empty my bowels. I don’t have to RUN, but it doesn’t feel right. I got on a scale and wouldn’t you believe it, I weight 129lbs now. And I’m worried about losing more weight!
Man, I saw that and I got so frustrated. So, since I know no one that’s into lifting weights (be it for bodybuilding or power lifting) I thought coming here would be a good idea. I’m thinking maybe BCAA’s can help me to kind of keep some weight, and I’m drinking protein shakes like I used to when I started training with the cheap adjustable dumbbells ( I pour one scoop protein powder, one scoop oatmeal, some oil, and milk). I’m also thinking I should pause training, for now. Even though that sucks.
What would you guys and gals recommend? Thanks in advance.