This is the first time I’ve done this lift in months, months. I’ve only lifted heavy about once in that time and here is a 20# PR.
I don’t have a rack, so this is how I get stuff done heavy.
I don’t have your desired build yet, but I’m building.
Flame away, I love it, I know, not fully locked out, not a real dead lift LOL. Pot Shots fuel me! All in fun!!!
Those are 100# plates, with 50# plates in between, no meat today, that will be later. I ONLY do this lift for PR weight, it’s never used for any practice, maybe shrugs, but that’s it-
It is a fun lift, it hits all the areas as a max effort without any crippling lower back disk popage that of a max conventional.
@T3hPwnisher i devoured some red meat tonight, the body has no choice after a max like that, which you know, but I had rice and snow peas with the meat.
Tomorrow is definitely a Dave’s bagel with PB day, and lots of scrambled eggs, fluffy, gotta be fluffy eggs!
I did deficit farmers dead’s the day before this, might hit more back tomorrow, IDK? I didn’t even plan todays lift, spur of the moment, that’s how I train mostly.
I think celery is just a talisman. It could be broccoli or carrots or anything else, really. As long as you believe in it and keep going hard, you will excel.
This is usually when the power ballad kicks in but I don’t have any sound effects and now I feel wierd.
Brother, I just gotta ask how much effort it took to make that lol. The photo actually looks like it could be used for marketing, can you seriously whip something up like that quickly? If so that’s actually pretty interesting to me, I always assumed that took some serious graphics design work.
What is this all about? I feel like I need to comment but have nothing to say. Is this like the “guess my BF while I hold this shoe?”-type of inside joke?
Oh really? Wow, that’s actually kind of cool. Our government computers are still pushing some cutting edge 2004 technology, so I feel a bit behind the curve haha