I usually do dumbell shoulder presses with a last work set of 80x6 and then power cleans for 2 works sets of 185x8. Today, I decided to do barbell shoulder presses. I finished with 185x6, and then when I went to power clean, I could barely do two reps of 185. Is this due to the change from dumbell to barbell? It’s gotta be but it just doesn’t make much sense to me.
Do the barbell presses again next week and see if your power clean strenght is impacted again. Something happening one time leaves too many variables.
What about doing a clean & press? Combines the two, so you arent missing out but putting one ahead of the other. But Bonez also brings up a good point. It could have just been a crappy day for cleans lol.
I agree with Bonez too.
Every time i add a new exercise or change the order; a connecting lift i have not changed will often suffer that session - only to be brought back up above par the next session.
This lets me know that 1) the amendment was successful in making my body work harder - as it struggled to complete what it can usually, and 2) the next session it proves i have adapted.
Don’t sweat the small stuff… if over a few weeks you look back over your journal and you are regressing, then you worry!
If you want a physiological reason it is because your body was stressed more with the military press simply as it is used to a different move (it looks similar but is not the same physiologically)… which is the exact reason we switch exercises out.
So as it was stressed harder during that move, it was more fatigued when you moved to the cleans… or whatever it was.
I would suggest you switch to barbell military for a few weeks to adapt to that then change to DB’s again - or something else entirely.