AC joint Arthritis and MRI need advice…
First off let me give the MRI results/report:
Left Shoulder: Supraspinatus Tendinosis and Longitudinal Intrasubstance Tear.
Subscapularis Tendinosis
Bony Hypertrophy of the AC Joint, Ventrally and Laterally Down Sloping Acromion.
Moderate sized shoulder joint effusion which extends into the long head biceps tendon sheath.
Right Shoulder: Partial Thickness Tear Extending to the bursal surface of the distal supraspinatus tendon.
Subscapularis Tendinosis and partial Thickness delaminating tear distally.
Shoulder Joint Effusion which extends into the long head biceps sheath.
Bony Hypertrophy of the AC Joint, Ventrally and laterally Down Sloping acromion.
These MRI results are from a couple of months ago. I healed up after this and a month ago I started training again not like crazy but being mindful of pain and doing exercises that don’t hurt. The doctor told me to try and avoid overhead movements. I admit that I did pull ups and pulldowns. about two weeks ago my left shoulder flared up and I stopped lifting right away and I went to a chiropractor and he has been performing ART on my shoulder and I do feel better.
But I am uncomfortable with what the chiropractor said. He basically said my days of lifting heavy are over. And he said I should slice everything in half, the weights and the reps. My problem with that is, what kind of workout will that be? I don’t see how you can benefit from that. Im ok with not lifting heavy again (kind of), but to to keep the reps low??? Maybe I misheard him wrong. I don’t know. He said the MRIs weren’t that bad and then he tells me this stuff.
Basically my workouts I divide Upper and Lower Body. I have been doing a 2 to 1 ratio of back to chest exercises. I have been doing this since this started and four to six weeks into working out I get this flare up. Can you guys and gals be kind enough to give me some advice on all this and how I should be working out? Are there surgical options I could do? I really don’t want to give up lifting. Its the only thing that maintains my sanity.
Thanks everybody!