How much protein should people really eat?
I have always done 1g of protein per 1lb bodyweight for years.
How much do you guys get?
It’s never been hard to get because I only weigh 155lbs.
Should I up it a little? I am also very active and lift everyday. Will it become dangerous if I up it too much?
(I have tried to Google this and answers range so much from 0.20gxbw all the way to 2.00gxbw so I am confused now.)
I think that’s plenty. Why do you wanna up protein?
I don’t think more would be dangerous unless you have like existing kidney issues or go with some crazy amount of protein. I don’t think more would give much benefit though aside from just more calories to work with.
I just want to up it to like 200 and see what happens. I’m trying to lean bulk and I’m a little too sore and don’t always feel recovered.
And my idea is that alot of carbs are bad and alot of fats are bad so if I am trying to eat clean it will be less tempting to eat junk when trying to fill in macros and stay regimened basically.
And if carbs and fat are for energy/glycogen storage , I feel like I have plenty of energy, why not lower the fat a little and add some protein to recover better. (Since recovery seems to always be my biggest issue)
Eating more protein has been shown to raise oxidation of protein for fuel, almost at 100% above .85 grams per pound of bodyweight. If protein provides an added benefit above 1 gram per pound (drug free) it would only be because it stimulates a slow insulin release similarly to low GI carbs.
Ya I did read somewhere that your body prefers carbs as it’s main fuel source, secondly are fats, then protein is only used for energy if you are deficit in the first two.
Secondly, once your body starts using protein for it’s fuel source, it can not use the protein for it’s regenerative/recovery properties.
So this is where I get confused, maybe to much protein could become a drawback. But since my carbs and fats should be in a surplus I guess this shouldn’t be a problem bit I don’t know. I’m still confused in the matter from all the conflicting information out there
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Nothing much will happen lol. Carbs fuel like high intensity exercise so if you have space in your macros and get enough protein go more carbs and train better with them
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So like in simple English it’s more calories beyond a certain amount of protein?
Yes, basically though the increase in urea and ammonia from protein metabolism can actually make you a little weaker in sugar he gym.
So if I gain weight on say 3500 calories, I would only need 120 grams of protein and then alot of carbs and fats? Maybe around 500g carbs and 100g fat.
I just never see people getting big off only 120g of protein and a shit ton of carbs and fat. Something just seems weird but idk maybe lowering protein is the way to go all along lol idk anymore
You mean 155g protein?
3500 seems like too much but I guess if you really need that many calories to gain weight then that’s how it has to be. Are you sure you need 3500?
For what it’s worth, I ate as little as 50g protein per day for a few months, trained hard and lost no muscle or strength. I was eating about 500g carbs though.
I was going off mertdawgs .85 suggestions
Ya I keep good track of macros and weight. If I eat 3200 - 3500 calories everyday, I’ll gain usually 1lb per month.
I have adjusted my fat and carbs alot to experiment, but never really messed with protein.
It’s just weird I find myself eating alot of rice and oats or whatever and i don’t always have to eat a protein
With it.
I always thought it was weird I had to eat so much, but I’ve been doing it for a while now and really I’m not that strong or big for what I eat… Athough I went up to 4000 calories a day one time and I did get pretty fat but also finnally a little stronger. But as soon as I cut and lost that weight I lost all my strength! Ever since it has been a struggle to make lean gains. Or any gains… But that’s another subject I guess sorry lol
I think I know what is making my diet so weird now.
If somebody eats 400g carbs and 110g fats you are going to get over half your protein just by eating the high volume of rice, oats, whole bread, peanut butter like, nuts, excedera. By time I eat all those whole carbs I basically only need to eat like a chicken breast and a shake to reach my protein needs.(at such a low weight) That’s why it feels like I’m not getting any protein
That’s wild. I’m 190 and I can barely get in 100-120g a day.
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