Should I Bulk or Cut?

I’m in two minds. Do I cut to around 10% and then put on some mass, or do I just put on mass now.

My fat distribution is mainly lower chest, abs and glutes. I would guess at being around 15%. Obviously my light skin does not help.

My goal is to get to roughly 150lbs at sub 10%.

My current stats are 5’5 (short ass), 140lbs.

Lifts: Bench 80kgx5, DL 150kgx5, Squat 110kgx5, OHP 55kgx5.

All comments welcome.



Not enough muscle to cut. Realize this before this thread turns to a huge mess (these threads happen all the time with the very question you just posed). Putting on weight doesn’t mean that you have to get chunky, but definitely put your effort into intelligently focusing on making muscular gains.


Yep, I’ve read far too many of these posts to know what sort of replies you will get. I am not looking to bulk per se as many would on here.

Being short I know that an extra 10-15lbs of lean mass will sort me out. I will have to be very careful on my calorie intake and partitioning to be sure the weight doesn’t go to the wrong place. In the past an attempt at putting on mass has resulted in excess fat gain to the usual places for me - face, chest, stomach and glutes.

I will start @16-18x bw = 2200-2500 roughly and take it from there.

Put more size on. I know summer is around the corner, but make next summer your goal.

Not fussed about Summer tbh. Have always fallen into the classic trap of trying to stay lean as possible. I will make sure I get my measurements in and stick with gut intsinct rather than the voice in the back of your head that tells you are getting fat.

I’m 24 now. If I’m looking great at 30 that’s what matters to me. Not just one good Summer.

This thread is going to explode in the next, I donno, 20 minutes probably. So don’t feel bad when you are forgotten OP.

That said your goal is to add 10lbs of lbm, correct? I believe that could easily be done for someone like you pretty quickly. No offense, but you don’t look like you train at all. I think you should pick a well known training program that gets results and go to town for about 6-12 months. Keep calories in check, but eat enough to grow. Then re-assess. Like Stu said there is nothing to cut to.

Also, are you being 100% honest with your lifting numbers? I have a hard time believing you can deadlift 330 X 5…

[quote]CPFC_1905 wrote:
Not fussed about Summer tbh. Have always fallen into the classic trap of trying to stay lean as possible. I will make sure I get my measurements in and stick with gut intsinct rather than the voice in the back of your head that tells you are getting fat.

I’m 24 now. If I’m looking great at 30 that’s what matters to me. Not just one good Summer.[/quote]

All the better then. You’re better off with a long term goal like that. Good luck and happy lifting!

Yep I am waiting for it US haha.

I have usually stuck to lower rep training, so strength is okay for my size but I have never eaten for or trained for size properly.

Weekend drinking has usually put a stop to consistent workouts in the past to.

I have now given up the booze and intend on spending copious amounts on quality food instead.

My lifts are 100% legit. I have short limbs and longer arms so my DL has always been a strong lift for me. I can do a pull up with half my bodyweight hanging from me.

The physique you are looking at is a 3 month hiatus from any consistent training and a terrible eating regime (lot’s of refined carbs).

The abuse I will receive is the kick up the ass I need, so thanks :slight_smile:

[quote]CPFC_1905 wrote:
Yep I am waiting for it US haha.

I have usually stuck to lower rep training, so strength is okay for my size but I have never eaten for or trained for size properly.

Weekend drinking has usually put a stop to consistent workouts in the past to.

I have now given up the booze and intend on spending copious amounts on quality food instead.

My lifts are 100% legit. I have short limbs and longer arms so my DL has always been a strong lift for me. I can do a pull up with half my bodyweight hanging from me.

The physique you are looking at is a 3 month hiatus from any consistent training and a terrible eating regime (lot’s of refined carbs).

The abuse I will receive is the kick up the ass I need, so thanks :)[/quote]

Well you’ve got a good attitude, good luck!

You may want to start a training log, it can help keep you accountable.

I will echo basically what Stu said.
You need more muscle.
You are quite short so filling yourself out will be relatively easier than someone much taller.
What does your current diet actually look like?
Honesty really helps here.
Please rid your vocabulary of the terms “bulk” and “cut”


My current I will not talk of - it is not in anyway suited to my goals and it is a binge cycle I am currently going through.

When I get into a routine of training my food sources consist of:

Proteins: chicken breast, minced beef, eggs (all from the local butchers)

Carbohydrates: brown rice, white rice (pwo), sweet potato and oats (all organic).

Fats: fatty cuts of meat, avocado, olive oil, grass fed butter, nuts/seeds, flax seed (also for the fiber)

Plenty of variety of fruit and veg - onions, mushrooms, tomato, brocolli, spinach, cauliflower, aubergine, apples, oranges etc (all organic)

I like to think I know my nutrition. The reason it goes to pot most times is due to having a big weekend on the liquor and feeling shitty for a few days. I turn to junk and that slows down my recovery. And then I miss the gym. Before I know it 6 weeks have gone.

This step, of posting my pics online, is more for an accountibility sense and hearing what I need to hear.

You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders and are realistic.
You are going to need to cut out the liquor my man.
No binge drinking which leads to bad nutrition and missed workouts.

Yep - haven’t touched a drink in 4 weeks now. Ready to hammer to workouts from Monday (playing football this weekend so don’t want the serious first workout DOMS to ruin that).

Big shop tomorrow to stock up what’s needed.

As I am self employed I will be scheduling my workouts into my diary.

Ensuring I get 8 hours of sleep per night and a regular pattern.

This is going to me my first go at higher volume training - the most I have stuck to in the past is 5x5 or 3x5 with some lower volume accessory lifts.

These guys nailed it. Focus on building muscle. You will gain some fat along the way, but it will all be worth it in the end. You can’t be scared of a little fat gain. It sounds like that may be something that ends up holding you back. Don’t let it. You are plenty thin enough to go on a “bulk”.

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Not enough muscle to cut. Realize this before this thread turns to a huge mess (these threads happen all the time with the very question you just posed). Putting on weight doesn’t mean that you have to get chunky, but definitely put your effort into intelligently focusing on making muscular gains.


I am currently in a cut for maximum shreddedness (a word?) for the summer, but after reading your comments, Stu, I’m rethinking my approach. I, too, probably don’t have enough muscle to cut.

[quote]iDrDan wrote:

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Not enough muscle to cut. Realize this before this thread turns to a huge mess (these threads happen all the time with the very question you just posed). Putting on weight doesn’t mean that you have to get chunky, but definitely put your effort into intelligently focusing on making muscular gains.


I am currently in a cut for maximum shreddedness (a word?) for the summer, but after reading your comments, Stu, I’m rethinking my approach. I, too, probably don’t have enough muscle to cut.[/quote]

Is that you in your avi?

[quote]iDrDan wrote:

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Not enough muscle to cut. Realize this before this thread turns to a huge mess (these threads happen all the time with the very question you just posed). Putting on weight doesn’t mean that you have to get chunky, but definitely put your effort into intelligently focusing on making muscular gains.


I am currently in a cut for maximum shreddedness (a word?) for the summer, but after reading your comments, Stu, I’m rethinking my approach. I, too, probably don’t have enough muscle to cut.[/quote]

I’m certainly not advocating that everyone has to be above some magical weight before they attempt to shred down (some of the most impressive bodybuilders I’ve ever met are lightweights!), merely that you need to have some muscle visible after a cut in order for a physique to appear impressive, whether you need to wear an XL shirt or not.


It’s one of those things I guess. You look in a mirror and your brain tells your eyes what it wants to see. Mirrors are deceiving things. And in the past I have definitely fallen prey to mixing up water weight and fat weight.

Taking a picture of all the angles really makes you realise what you ACTUALLY look like. That has been my shape for most of my life I reckon.

Not going to go crazy on the calories and will gradually increase calories on a week by week basis if needed.

The advantage of being short I guess is a better strength the BM ratio, cheaper eating as you don’t need as many calories and a few pounds of muscle can transform you.

Was looking at John Meadows - 5’6/5’7 @215. I couldn’t imagine packing on 30 odd pounds of muscle. Guy is a beast.