Should I be mad?

“When there’s doubt, there is no doubt”

“Doogie - Some of us aren’t quite as ‘one track minded’ as you would have us assume. I keep in contact with a number of my ex’s and have never rekindled any form of physical relationship with them. Others, I’ve enjoyed as fuckbuddies while between relationships.”

You’re thinking like a woman. Just because you haven’t chosen to fuck your ex’s doesn’t mean that they wouldn’t jump at the opportunity. I’m saying that guys keep in touch with ex’s only for the possibility of sex.

I have an ex who was/is a “not mentally stable”. Yes the sex was great, BUT I would not fuck her again. I keep in touch now and again because I just want to know she’s alright. China’s man might have been doing the same. Maybe be even just wanted to see how the his ex’s little girl was doing. Either way I’d like to add that I agree to a certain extent with what Karma said. Perhaps in a less abrassive tone, but I am on clomid right now so?

Cops are dishonest scumbags…oops im gonna DUCK,but fuck it i’m stating how I feel…

I think we’re all overlooking the fact that he got to say yes or no as to whether she got a ticket or not. Possibly a DUI, which is a pretty hefty ticket nowadays. How many of you would do that to an ex you’d be interested in still fucking or having around as a friend at least?

Everyone forgot to mention the fact that your BF cell phone is on “silent”. Why is it kept on silent? Does he receive calls that you shouldn’t know about?

I’m not trying to give you reason to worry, just stating a fact. I don’t know him like YOU know him, how long you both have been together, or what your relationship is like.

No one here can give you any REAL advice, most will be “personal opinion” based on what we all have experienced in the past. I say, simply look at the facts, and make a judgement for yourself. One rule I’ve always lived by is… “go with your gut, and your heart will follow”.

Good luck.

MassNutrition, I have my cell phone on silent and I don’t have a girlfriend.

Damn, Wide! I was really begining to wonder where your balls had gone… :wink: So now we know the reason for the softer, gentler Wideguy. Do you cuddle now too? lol

Everybody- thank you for all your opinions and advice- everyone’s opinion is welcome and heard, even Karma’s is helpful…it’s like a brainstorm of everyone’s ideas. THANK YOU EVERYONE.

I forgot to mention that last week he was going out with the boys to patron the strip bar where she works. I was totally fine with it because he said he was only going there to drink with the guys. My guy friends had a cow and asked why, at such an early stage in our relationship, would he go somewhere where his ex is naked. At the last minute he changed his mind and didn’t go, saying he thought it could possibly cause waves in our relationship. He had gone there the week before that and I didn’t have a problem with it.

Anyway, thank you everyone for your great opinions!!


My opinion on the matter is if you think someone is cheating they usually are. That’s also my experience with the subject. Again it’s one man’s opinion. Good Luck.

How about this scenario…

Chinadoll is a Vixen, which by definition lets us assume a few different things. One, she’s smoking hot, two, she’s intelligent, and three, a decent person more-than-likely.

So, with that being said, would Chinadoll be dating a complete bufoon? No.

Would she be dating an overall decent guy? Probably.

With this guy being presumably decent, he probably has a good heart and can empathize if not simpathize with the plight of someone he used to be with. Maybe he’s lending an ear to this girl because he’s a nice guy and doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. I wouldn’t jump to conclusions just yet. She might be trying to wedge her way back into his life, but it doesn’t appear that he’s letting that happen.

Damn, one phone call on his ID from her? That’s not that bad. I’ve had an ex who still called me to the point I had to change my number. Things don’t seem that bad…


He shouldn’t have lied to you, but I’m not sure why you should be going through his stuff either. Maybe he keeps the phone on silent so that he won’t be bothered while he’s driving. I mean, he’s a cop and might have some experience dealing with people who have been in accidents because they were on the phone and doesn’t want to put himself in that sort of situation.

At any rate, the person you should be talking to is HIM, not us. Doesn’t seem like you guys are communicating enough. Lack of communication breeds mistrust and all the shady cloak and dagger shit that people play on each other once things begin to circle the drain.

–Karma, you’re still the coolest chick in the cave.


I keep my phone on “vibrate” – besides the immense personal pleasure of that goes with being popular and carrying the cell phone in the front pocket, it also helps to avoid the very embarrassing cell phone alarm/rings in the middle of meetings – which have occurred in the past when I left it on a ring.

Also, I would be pissed if anyone toggled through my call logs in the hope of finding out some juicy tidbit of information about who called me. My fiancee wouldn’t do that, and I wouldn’t rifle through her stuff either. It’s about trust, and it’s about not manufacturing drama for yourself.

Basically, you need to decide whether there really is a reason to be distrustful, or whether you’re just going off on a tizzy for no reason. If you have an actual issue, confront him – then either believe him and act accordingly, or don’t believe him and break up or live with the consequences.

If my girlfriend was going to a strip club where her ex-bf was stripping I would have a conniption and she wouldn’t be my girlfriend any longer. That is too much baggage to bring into a relationship.

As usual Karma and BB are the voices of reason on a subject blown way overboard.
Doogie: If you only believe that men stay in touch with ex’s out of a wish to fuck them again than I would guess you know few men, but probably a lot of boys.

Hi everyone!
Thank you again for your opinions. They are all great opinions!

I talked with him last night, and I decided to let everything slide. Whatever happens happens. It’s up to him. It’s a choice. He is a decent person, and I sense it is probably circumstantial…

You guys are great!!!


If you need to ask a bunch of people you don’t know about yout personal life, I’d say you shouldn’t be mad, you should be committed.
Course it’s my personal opinion that you’re an attention seeker, so you figure someone’ll be stupid enough to give you five minutes of their time - I guess you were right, even I fell for it :smiley:
Your “boyfriend” is a “Liar”… You are a “Snoop”…
You SHOULD be mad that he lied, and he SHOULD be mad that you’re snooping through his stuff.
I think you’re both cracked, you should split ways and spend your time becoming more self-absorbed than you already are.

He didn’t mention talking to her because he knows you’re insecure/paranoid enough to make an issue of a nonissue.

He didn’t mention talking to her because IT AIN’T NO BIG THANG and it slipped his mind - hell, he probably has fifteen million other things to keep straight in there why bother with something so trivial?

He “confessed” to it later because you jogged his memory about it and he knew you’d freak if he decided to let you in on a little secret - that it’s his fucking life and you should get your own so you won’t be so wrapped up in the minutia of his.

Women who wonder why we dont speak enough or more should read Karmas little gem, specially the first paragraph


Shouldn`t that be nomoreMSnicegrrrll ? ;ppp

OH HELL NO.whenever a guy uses the words “EX” and “crazy” in the same sentence means he’s LYING. U need to put up your guard.

No, Dan C, it shouldn’t be “Ms”… If you knew the reference to the name “No More Mr Nice Grrrl” then you wouldn’t make an ass out of yourself by making that comment… Btw - there’s only one “l” in “Grrrl” :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, I’m not trying to be bitch, I come by that naturally. Blame it on my lack of “Testosterone” :smiley:

MR or MS, it makes no difference - the fact is, no one really gives a rat’s ass if china’s boyfriend is cheating on her :smiley: