Short people got good reason to smile

I’ve been giving this idea of mine some thought for a little while now, and I figured why not share it with all of you fine people. Bodybuilding is a sport better suited for short/shorter people. I’m talking about 5’9 and below. Now before anyone thinks I’m bitching, let me say THIS IS NOT A COMPLAINT/EXCUSE. I like being tall (6’2). However in BB it has it’s draw backs.

For example; more food must be consumed, larger portions, more protein=more money. Furthermore, due to our greater range of motion various lifts ex. squats, curls, bench, chins are more difficult to perform. Also, assuming the trianing and nutrition are dialed in the gains don’t come out the same. Ex. a guy who is 5’8 gains 20 lbs and people flip the fuck out, a guy who is 6’2 gains the same amount and it’s just not as noticeable.

Once again this isn’t a complaint thread, just a thought. On the other hand there are numerous advantages to being tall in our society that probably outweigh these things I’ve just pointed out. For example, I wear a size 13 shoe:-)…what? did any of you really think I’d be able to post a thread and not make some refference to my dick!

being shorter makes your dick look bigger too!

haha, i am gonna agree w/ you on that wideguy, being tall sucks ass for weight training. If I was 3 inches shorter I would have a great looking body, but I am stuck at 6’1" and it kills. The only upside is that it gives me an edge on the rugby field, I got those long ass legs that keep on pounding, and more space to stack on muscle :slight_smile:

Hahahaha! Wideguy cracks me up. But I like Ren’s take on us being taller. That’s more room to put muscle on. Sure, it takes longer, but when WE get big it’s f#cking impressive as shit. Example: there’s always been short guys in the Mr. Olympia, the so-called “giant-killers” or what-not, but when a taller competitor comes around like Arnold, he just blows everyone away. Maybe comparing superfreaks like this isn’t the best analogy, but it’s true, don’t you think? And another thing: people know. Even a non-training weight-clueless person will give a short stocky guy his due, but it’s nothing like the impression that a tall and powerfully-built man will make. Being tall rules. (Sorry, short guys…it’s not my fault I was born this way.)

haha i fucking love being tall, its great being able to see over people’s heads at parties, the mall, hallways, etc. it just sucks when i trip over stuff thats around knee height (short people, for example) since i can’t really see it way down there

and p-dog, if you’re tall then your dick is naturally big, think about it, NBA players don’t wear size 8 1/2 shoes…everythings in proportion

Being tall is one more edge to date the taller ladies (5`10 and around).

They have (most often) no attraction for guys smaller than them, or it comes with a if only he were taller psychological ticket. Remember Nicole Kidman`s jab in the ribs to Tom Cruise after they divorced? Just another proof.

Must be the I wanna feel protected by a bigger (taller and larger, not in the sense of fatter) than me instinct.

And why would a lady want to spoil her height genes with shorter stuff ones?

Damn coming from a short guy 5’4" I still think tall guys have it better. In all aspect. Yes, it may be easier for me to put on muscle or size when you are shorter. But, you taller guy have the more of a advatage in a lot of sports besides bodybuilding. Also when you do, develop muscles it does look better on taller person then a shorter one.

In Health,

Silas C.

Just wanted to give my nod of agreement to you guys on this thread. I’m 6’7", 250 lbs. I don’t have a problem eating like I need to but talk about range of motion… my 80+ inch wingspan makes shit tough sometimes but it’s gettin’ better everyday…

I love this thread!

Being a tall ectomorph (6’2 - 190) I have to agree with everything that has been said so far. Putting on muscle, and especially strength is a bitch!

…but then again, that is why I lift in the first place; To improve on my weak points!

I just posted this last night on the “hey everybody” thread


Who wants to be short … the only time I get my ass that close to the floor is on full ass to the grass squats! HAHA

well im 5’7 and i wear 11’s. hows that for porportion?

[quote]Being tall is one more edge to date the taller ladies (5`10 and around).

They have (most often) no attraction for guys smaller than them, or it comes with a if only he were taller psychological ticket. Remember Nicole Kidman`s jab in the ribs to Tom Cruise after they divorced? Just another proof.

Must be the I wanna feel protected by a bigger (taller and larger, not in the sense of fatter) than me instinct.

And why would a lady want to spoil her height genes with shorter stuff ones?[/quote]

Dan, you piece of shit! I hate you man! LOL! Nah, just kidding.

Hey bro, check this shit out. We all know that the Dogg is short, but you know what? I’ve dated many taller beautiful women. In fact, only a few have been my height or just a tad bit shorter. I seem to attract taller girls, so your theory doesn’t hold true in all cases.

I, personally, love short girls (5’ - 5’4"), but they always seem to date the tall guys (5’10" +). I guess they don’t want to pass on their short genes, so they do date the tall guys. But the girls that are taller than me (5’6" - 5’7") are usually the ones I date! So they must not be too worried about it.

Besides, I’m the short one in the family (inherited by mom’s side). My brother, father and father’s family are all tall. So that means that I do have tall genes in me!

As for the advantage of being small, it does apply to the amount of food and how it does cost me less than most big guys (even though I eat a ton of food that puts many big guys to shame).

But being short and putting on muscle easily is not true. This is a myth that seems to perpetuate with the big guys. Sure, there are short guys that put on muscle fairly well and look massive, but this is not the case with most. It’s all about genetics and having the right muscle bellies and attachments.

And like others said, muscle tends to look better on the taller guys.

No prob, Dogg! Feeling’s mutual: You’re a piece of shit you too. A cool one on top of that! ;0) J/K too.

I guess my arguments only stand for serious (family plans) women. I see no reason, like your scoring demonstrates, why ‘practicing’ should be restricted to one phenotype.

Why restrict the fun if it isn’t going to be serious at all?

You guys are complaining about 6’1"? i’m fucking 6’6" as of the latest meausrement last night, MOTHER FUCKER!!! Ha

i love short women who weigh in the double digits, they hide in my pockets and only surface to pleasure me

lumburjak- you’re hallarious, man.

While waiting at the dentist, I read an article about how short dudes are paying huge coin to have their legs broken and the go through some agonizing and long process so that they can grow a few inches!!! I guess the clinic that does this actually had to set a limit due to demand form guys even over 5’6!

The way I see, yeah from a lifting perspective it sucks to have long limbs. It’s a simple formula that explains this: (Work= Distance * Weight), we are getting screwed with the Distance component of the formula.

But for the rest of life, being tall is a big advantage. For instance, tall guys can date both short and tall girls.

no p-dog. dating 18ers with tiny hands makes your dick look

when your short U dont need to go find a tall girl…u just walk into the middle school dances like all the other students and find one there, we can buy smaller cars like geos and if they ever break u can pick them up and carry to nearest garage, and if u play your cards right u can even get in the movies for the childrens price…why the hell would u want to give all that up?