Short Cycles of Finaplix And Sexual Dis

If I use Finaplix for 3 week Cycles will I Mess with My dick??Because every time i do an 8 week cycle of anything I am almost Impotent or a month during nd after??Also How do i open the cartridge of pellets?I’m going to use DMSO…Yes I used clomid and HCG that wasnt enough My erections lasted 2 minutes and went limp and I had no feeling in my penis…A year later i was fine?

Dude, you’ve got some reading to do. Please try and come up with a question, this post is all over the place. What did you use, how much clomid did you use and on what kind of schedule. I’m sure some people would be happy to help, but this is just so vague - where do we begin?

No problems at all using Finasol-NOTE: DMSO is very harsh on the skin,why not use Androsol? This is a stack itself- you will get great gains-At least 10 lbs. Follow with Tribex & Meth.7 after the cycle. This cycle gives me “wood” when the wind blows.