I’ve been having pain in my shins for the longest time. I basically avoid it by not running…since that what causes the pain. But I like running, and I need to do some of it just for reactive strength purposes.
I did some sprinting today on the track with some track shoes that are broken in but far from worn out. after a couple 100’s and a couple 50’s the pain was so tremendous that I had to walk gingerly back to my dorm.
Earlier I had done some rope skipping on a soft grass surface (5 rounds of 5min)… and had the same pain but I just worked through it (no pain afterwards though).
When I’m at home and I run hills I don’t have any pain so I’m wondering if there is a muscular imbalance or something wrong with the angle that my foot is hitting the ground.
Mind you I’m feeling this pain after having not run (which were hills) for a month. After one session I feel incapacitated…Something is certainly wrong with that.
*Pain runs from along the inside of my shins to my ankles.
Some background so you don’t have to ask…
I’m 20yr old, 5’9-5’10 180-185# about 10-12%bf… I have flat feet, Im in pretty good condition and quite flexible.
I do mobility exercises before every training session and take measures to ensure my recovery (ice cups, contrast showers, epsom salt baths, personal massager vibrating thinga-ma-bob, and a gf that likes to massage muscles (which usually ends in me getting some woot woot))…
I train pretty regularly- weights, mma, capoeira, some rock climbing, a dance class every blue moon… but nothing that requires any sort of pounding on my feet, I actually stay away from those because of this regularly occuring pain.
I have no reflex in my knee’s (you know when the doctor taps it)… left ankle has been popped from achilles hold, no other serious lower extremity injuries…
So do I just need to wrap it every time I run or is there a more serious problem?